- Aberdeen
- Bath
- Beverley
- Birmingham
- Boston
- Bradford
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Canterbury
- Cardiff (Caerdydd en la kimra)
- Carlisle
- Chester
- Cleethorpes
- Coventry
- Derby
- Dovero
- Dundee
- Durham
- Edinburgo
- Exeter
- Folkestone
- Glasgow
- Grantham
- Grimsby
- Hull
- Immingham
- King's Lynn
- Leeds
- Leicester
- Lincoln
- Liverpool
- Londono
- Manchester
- Newcastle
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Oxford
- Plymouth
- Portsmouth
- Scunthorpe
- Selby
- Spalding
- St Albans
- Sheffield
- Southampton
- Stamford
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- Swansea
- Wells
- Whitby
- Winchester
- York
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