Hart Crane | |||||
Persona informo | |||||
Harold Hart Crane | |||||
Naskiĝo | 21-an de julio 1899 en Garrettsville | ||||
Morto | 27-an de aprilo 1932 (32-jaraĝa) en Florido | ||||
Mortis pro | sinmortigo • hazarda morto vd | ||||
Mortis per | drono vd | ||||
Lingvoj | angla vd | ||||
Ŝtataneco | Usono vd | ||||
Subskribo ![]() | |||||
Familio | |||||
Patro | Clarence A. Crane vd | ||||
Patrino | Grace Edna Hart vd | ||||
Profesio | |||||
Okupo | poeto • verkisto vd | ||||
Aktiva dum | 1916– vd | ||||
Verkado | |||||
Verkoj | The Bridge vd | ||||
| |||||
vd | Fonto: Vikidatumoj | ||||
Harold Hart Crane (naskiĝis la 21-an de julio 1899, mortis la 27-an de aprilo 1932) estis usona poeto.
Trovinta kaj inspiron kaj provokon en la poezio de T. S. Eliot, Crane verkis modernisman poezion kiu estis malfacila, tre stiligita, kaj ambicia en sia esprimmaniero. En sia plej ambicia verko, nome The Bridge, Crane serĉis verki eposan poemon, laŭ la stilo de The Waste Land de T. S. Eliot, kiu esprimis pli optimisman vidon de moderna, urba kulturo ol tiu kiun li trovis en la verko de Eliot. En la jaroj post sia sinmortigo je la aĝo de 32, Crane estis laŭdita de dramaturgoj, poetoj, kaj literaturaj kritikistoj (kiaj Robert Lowell, Derek Walcott, Tennessee Williams, kaj Harold Bloom), ĉar li estis unu el la plej influaj poetoj de sia generacio.[1][2][3]
- White Buildings. (1926)
- The Bridge. (1930)
- The Collected Poems of Hart Crane. Ed. Waldo Frank. Boriswood. (1938)
- Hart Crane and Yvor Winters: Their Literary Correspondence. Ed. Thomas Parkinson. Berkeley: University of California Press (1978)
- O My Land, My Friends: The Selected Letters of Hart Crane. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows. (1997)
- The Complete Poems of Hart Crane. Ed. Marc Simon. New York: Liveright. (1986)
- Hart Crane: Complete Poems and Selected Letters. Ed. Langdon Hammer. New York: The Library of America. (2006)
- ↑ Referenced in this NY Times article
- ↑ Bloom, Harold. "Introduction." The Complete Poems of Hart Crane. New York: Liveright, 2001.
- ↑ "Hart Crane." Voice and Visions Video Series. Produktita de New York Center for Visual History. 1988. Arkivigite je 2019-06-30 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Fisher, Clive. Hart Crane: A Life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-300-09061-7.
- Horton, Philip. Hart Crane: The Life of An American Poet. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1937.
- Meaker, M.J. Sudden Endings, 13 Profiles in Depth of Famous Suicides. Garden, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1964. pp. 108–133.
- Mariani, Paul. The Broken Tower: A Life of Hart Crane. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999. ISBN 0-393-32041-3.
- Unterecker, John. Voyager: A Life of Hart Crane. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969.
- Weber, Brom. Hart Crane: A Biographical and Critical Study. New York: The Bodley Press, 1948.
Selektita kritikaro
- Combs, Robert. Vision of the Voyage: Hart Crane and the Psychology of Romanticism. Memphis, Tennessee: Memphis State University Press, 1978.
- Corn, Alfred. "Hart Crane's 'Atlantis'". The Metamorphoses of Metaphor. New York: Viking, 1987.
- Dean, Tim. "Hart Crane's Poetics of Privacy". American Literary History 8:1, 1996.
- Dembo, L. S. Hart Crane's Sanskrit Charge: A Study of The Bridge. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1960).
- Gabriel, Daniel. Hart Crane and the Modernist Epic: Canon and Genre Formation in Crane, Pound, Eliot and Williams. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
- Grossman, Allen. "Hart Crane and Poetry: A Consideration of Crane's Intense Poetics With Reference to 'The Return'". ELH 48:4, 1981.
- Grossman, Allen. "On Communicative Difficulty in General and 'Difficult' Poetry in Particular: The Example of Hart Crane's 'The Broken Tower'". Poem Present lecture series at The University of Chicago, 2004.
- Hammer, Langdon. Hart Crane & Allen Tate: Janus-Faced Modernism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993.
- Hanley, Alfred. Hart Crane's Holy Vision: "White Buildings,". Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press, 1981.
- Herman, Barbara. "The Language of Hart Crane", The Sewanee Review 58, 1950.
- Lewis, R. W. B. The Poetry of Hart Crane: A Critical Study. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967.
- Nickowitz, Peter. Rhetoric and Sexuality: The Poetry of Hart Crane, Elizabeth Bishop, and James Merrill. Novjorko: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
- Pease, Donald. "Blake, Crane, Whitman, and Modernism: A Poetics of Pure Possibility". PMLA 96:1, 1981.
- Ramsey, Roger. "A Poetics for The Bridge". Twentieth Century Literature 26:3, 1980.
- Reed, Brian. "Hart Crane’s Victrola". Modernism/Modernity 7.1, 2000.
- Reed, Brian. Hart Crane: After His Lights. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2006.
- Riddel, Joseph. "Hart Crane's Poetics of Failure". ELH 33, 1966.
- Rowe, John Carlos. "The 'Super-Historical' Sense of Hart Crane’s The Bridge". Genre 11:4, 1978.
- Schwartz, Joseph. Hart Crane: A Reference Guide. Bostono: G.K. Hall & Co., 1983.
- Michael Snediker. "Hart Crane's Smile". Modernism/modernity 12.4, 2005.
- Trachtenberg, Alan. Brooklyn Bridge: Fact and Symbol. Ĉikago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.
- Unterecker, John. "The Architecture of The Bridge". Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 3:2, 1962.
- Winters, Yvor. "The Progress of Hart Crane". Poetry 36, June 1930.
- Winters, Yvor In Defense of Reason. New York: The Swallow Press and William Morrow, 1947.
- Woods, Gregory, "Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-eroticism and Modern Poetry". New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1987.
- Yannella, Philip R. "'Inventive Dust': The Metamorphoses of 'For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen'". Contemporary Literature 15, 1974.
- Yingling, Thomas E. Hart Crane and the Homosexual Text: New Thresholds, New Anatomies. Ĉikago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Eksteraj ligiloj
- Yale College Lecture on Hart Crane Arkivigite je 2008-09-24 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine audio, video and full transcripts from Open Yale Courses
- The Fales Library of NYU's guide to the Richard W. Rychtarik/Hart Crane Papers Arkivigite je 2009-11-30 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Academy of American Poets
- Poetry Foundation profile
- Brian Reed on Voyages (ĉe Poetry Foundation) Arkivigite je 2007-10-23 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- Modern American Poetry: Hart Crane (1899–1932) Arkivigite je 2008-12-19 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- A Great American Visionary Eseo de Colm Tóibín pri Crane kaj revizio de liaj selektitaj poemoj kaj leteroj el The New York Review of Books