YHWH gɔmeɖeɖe enye yehowa (manye nusi manye) amesi nye Yesu ƒe tɔ si dɔe wova anyigbã la dzi. Eye amesi ƒo nu esime wonyrɔ͂e. Eya ma gbɔ ye gbɔgbɔ kɔkɔea tso abe xe ene va edzi. Eya kee na gbɔgbɔa Yesu wotsɔ wɔa nukunuwoe. Le dɔwɔwɔwo ta 2 kpupui 32 kple 33 la Yehowa gbɔe yesu xɔ gbɔgbɔ kɔkɔea si wo tsɔ nyrɔ apostoloawo le pentecote dzi la le.

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