Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg (* 5 Adar 1871i be namey Rozalia Luxemburg, Zamość, Weichselland, ewro Polanya; † 15 Çele 1919 Berlin) de jûya namdara lewiyayışê Karkeranê Ewropawa u Proleteranê Enternasyonalistana.
Rosa Luxemburg | |
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Melumato şexsi | |
Dewlete | Almanya |
Cınsiyet | Cêniye |
Cayê biyayışi | Zamość |
Biyayış | |
Merdış | |
Cayê merdışi | Berlin(Dırbeta tıfıng ra merd) |
Wendış | University of Zurich |
Gure | Siyasetkar, Filozof, revolutionary, Ekonomist, Rocnameker, editor, political theorist û botanical collector |
Fıkır | Partiya Sosyaldemokrata Almanya, Communist Party of Germany, Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany, Spartacus League û Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania |
Zıwani | Almanki û Polonki |
Hempar | Gustav Lübeck û Julian Marchlewski |
İtıqad | Ateist |
İmza |
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Tewr zêde Polanya u Almanya de lewiyayışê sosyaldemokrasiye de ca gırewt u teorisyena marksizmiya, verbe militarizmi veciyê. 1914. de Herbê Dınyayê Yewine verba Partiya Sosyaldemokratanê Almanya be namey „Gruppe Internationale“ ra veciyê u be Karl Liebknechti ra piya gurêye.
Nuştoğanê politikan miyan de ki caê xo gırano. Xeylê analizê sosyali gırewtê qeleme. Heta 1918. Leipziger Volkszeitung u o ra dıme ki hepıs de ki qezatay Die Rote Fahne (Desmala Sure) vete.
Serranê 1918-19. de ronayoğanê Partiya Komunistanê Almanya (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands [KPD]) ra jûye biye u programê partiye ki nusna. Destanê faşistan ra be Karl Liebknechti ra pia kışiyay.
Nuşteyê cı
- The Accumulation of Capital. trans. A. Schwarzschild in 1951. Routledge Classics edition, 2003. Originally published as Die Akkumulation des Kapitals in 1913.
- The Accumulation of Capital: an Anticritique written in 1915.
- Gesammelte Werke ("Collected Works"), 5 volumes, Berlin 1970–1975.
- Gesammelte Briefe ("Collected Letters"), 6 volumes, Berlin 1982–1997.
- Politische Schriften ("Political Writings"), edited and preface by Ossip K. Flechtheim, 3 volumes, Frankfurt am Main 1966 ff.
- The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, 14 volumes, London and New York 2011-.
- Rosa Luxemburg Internet Archive
- Death of Rosa Luxemburg
- Tony Cliff Rosa Luxemburg
- Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Archived 2009-10-21 at the Wayback Machine
- Jörn Schütrumpf Rosa Luxemburg or: The Price of Freedom
- Rosa Luxemburg Leninism or Marxism? Archived 2006-05-14 at the Wayback Machine
- Şablon:Findagrave
- Trotsky on Luxemburg and Liebknecht
- Paul Mattick Rosa Luxemburg in Retrospect
- Rosa Luxemburg: Revolutionary Hero
- Rosa Luxemburg and the Russian Revolution
- Rosa Luxemburg: A Socialist With a Human Face
- Libertarian Communist Library Rosa Luxemburg articles
- Rosa Luxemburg: "The War and the Workers" (1916)
- Ninety years after the Murder of Rosa Luxemburg: Lessons of the Life of a Revolutionary
- German Corpse 'may be Luxemburg' BBC News, May 29, 2009
- Revolutionary Rosa: The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg