Getafe, dewleta İspanya de, merkezê Madridiyo otonom de, komuna Madridi miyan de yew belediyaya.
Melumat | |
Tewr | Belediyey İspanya |
Dewlete | İspanya |
Merkez | Madrid |
Wılayet | Madrid metropolitan |
Erd | 78,74 km2 |
Nıfus | 185 899 |
Berziye | 622 m |
Serdar | Sara Hernández |
Embıryani | Leganés, Madrid, Rivas-Vaciamadrid, San Martín de la Vega, Pinto û Fuenlabrada |
Seate | UTC+01.00 |
Poste | 28901–28909 |
Geokod | 6359291 |
Website | |
Xerita | |
Wikidata sera bıvurne |
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