
G8 yew teşkılato. Tarixê sazbiyayışi cı 1975o.

Dewr Organizasyono enternasyonal û group of major economic countries
Leteyi 23rd G8 summit, 24th G8 summit, 25th G8 summit, 26th G8 summit, 27th G8 summit, 28th G8 summit, 29th G8 summit, 30th G8 summit, 31st G8 summit, 32nd G8 summit, 33rd G8 summit, 34th G8 summit, 35th G8 summit, 36th G8 summit, 37th G8 summit, 38th G8 summit û 39th G8 summit

Ezayê G8i


2005 (IMF) Nıfus GDP
  milyon % milyar %
DAY 300,0 4,6 12455,8 28,0
Japonya 127,8 2,0 4567,4 10,3
Almanya 82,6 1,3 2791,7 6,3
Qraliya Yewbiyayiye 60,0 0,9 2229,5 5,0
Fransa 60,0 0,9 2126,7 4,8
İtalya 57,6 0,9 1765,5 4,0
Kanada 32,5 0,5 1132,4 2,5
Rusya 142,8 2,3 723,0 1,6
G8 855,6 13,5 27832,4 62,6
Dınya 6345,1 100,0 44454,6 100
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