Robert Desimone
Robert Desimone (* 1952) ist ein US-amerikanischer Neurowissenschaftler.
Derzeit ist er Direktor des McGovern Institute for Brain Research und Doris and Don Berkey Professor of Neuroscience am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Eines seiner Forschungsgebiete ist die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit.
Er studierte an der Princeton University bei Charles Gross. Später arbeitete er am National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), unter anderem mit Earl K. Miller. Weitere Zusammenarbeiten waren mit Leslie Ungerleider und Pascal Fries.
- 1990: Troland Research Award
- 1994: Golden Brain Award
- 1999: Mitglied National Academy of Sciences
- 2001: Mitglied American Academy of Arts and Sciences[1]
- 2020: Goldman-Rakic Prize
- 2021: Ralph-W.-Gerard-Preis
- Moran J, Desimone R: Selective attention gates visual processing in the extrastriate cortex. Science. 1985 Aug 23;229(4715):782-4. doi:10.1126/science.4023713.
- Chelazzi, L., Miller, E., Duncan, J. et al.: A neural basis for visual search in inferior temporal cortex. Nature 363, 345–347 (1993). doi:10.1038/363345a0.
- Desimone R, Duncan J: Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention. Annu Rev Neurosci. 1995;18:193-222. doi:10.1146/
- Kastner S, De Weerd P, Desimone R, Ungerleider LG: Mechanisms of directed attention in the human extrastriate cortex as revealed by functional MRI. Science. 1998 Oct 2;282(5386):108-11. doi:10.1126/science.282.5386.108.
- Kastner S, Pinsk MA, De Weerd P, Desimone R, Ungerleider LG: Increased activity in human visual cortex during directed attention in the absence of visual stimulation. Neuron. 1999 Apr;22(4):751-61. doi:10.1016/s0896-6273(00)80734-5.
- Fries P, Reynolds JH, Rorie AE, Desimone R: Modulation of oscillatory neuronal synchronization by selective visual attention. Science. 2001 Feb 23;291(5508):1560-3. doi:10.1126/science.1055465.
- Bertini G, Buffalo EA, De Weerd P, Desimone R, Ungerleider LG: Visual responses to targets and distracters by inferior temporal neurons after lesions of extrastriate areas V4 and TEO. Neuroreport. 2004 Jul 19;15(10):1611-5. doi:10.1097/01.wnr.0000134847.86625.15.
- Narcisse P. Bichot, Robert Desimone: Chapter 9 Finding a face in the crowd: parallel and serial neural mechanisms of visual selection, Progress in Brain Research, Elsevier, Volume 155, Part B, 2006, Pages 147-156,
- Gregoriou GG, Gotts SJ, Zhou H, Desimone R: High-frequency, long-range coupling between prefrontal and visual cortex during attention. Science. 2009 May 29;324(5931):1207-10. doi:10.1126/science.1171402.
- Zhang Y, Meyers EM, Bichot NP, Serre T, Poggio TA, Desimone R: Object decoding with attention in inferior temporal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 May 24;108(21):8850-5. doi:10.1073/pnas.1100999108.
- Sébastien Tremblay et al., An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics, Neuron, Volume 108, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 1075-1090.e6,
- Bagherzadeh Y, Baldauf D, Pantazis D, Desimone R: Alpha Synchrony and the Neurofeedback Control of Spatial Attention. Neuron. 2020 Feb 5;105(3):577-587.e5. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2019.11.001.
- Book of Members 1780–present, Chapter D. (PDF; 910 kB) In: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, abgerufen am 30. April 2023 (englisch).
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