Liste der Bulletins des Bureau of American Ethnology

Dies ist eine Liste der Bulletins des Bureau of American Ethnology. Das Bureau of American Ethnology (Abk. BAE; deutsch Bureau für amerikanische Ethnologie u. a.) wurde 1879 in der US-amerikanischen Hauptstadt Washington, D.C. vom US-Kongress gegründet und beschäftigte sich mit der indianischen Urbevölkerung und ihrer Kultur. Neben den Bulletins gab es auch die Annual Reports heraus.


  • 1. Bibliography of the Eskimo language, by James Constantine Pilling. V+116 pp. (incl. 8 pp. facsimiles). 1887 Digitalisat
  • 2. Perforated stones from California, by Henry W. Henshaw. 34 pp., 16 figs. 1887 Digitalisat
  • 3. The use of gold and other metals among the ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien, by William H. Holmes. 27 pp., 22 figs. 1887 Digitalisat
  • 4. Work in mound exploration of the Bureau of Ethnology, by Cyrus Thomas. 15 pp.,1 fig. 1887 Digitalisat
  • 5. Bibliography of the Siouan languages, by James Constantine Pilling. V+87 pp. 1887
  • 6. Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages, by James Constantine Pilling. VI+208 pp. (incl. 4 pp. facsimiles), 5 unnumbered facsimiles. 1888 [1889]
  • 7. Textile fabrics of ancient Peru, by William H. Holmes. 17 pp., 11 figs. 1889
  • 8. The problem of the Ohio mounds, by Cyrus Thomas. 54 pp., 8 figs. 1889
  • 9. Bibliography of the Muskhogean languages, by James Constantine Pilling. V+114 pp. 1889
  • 10. The circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio, by Cyrus Thomas. 35 pp., 11 pls., 5 figs. 1889
  • 11. Omaha and Ponka letters, by James Owen Dorsey. 127 pp. 1891
  • 12. Catalogue of prehistoric works east of the Rocky Mountains, by Cyrus Thomas. 246 pp., 17 pls. (all maps). 1891
  • 13. Bibliography of the Algonquian languages, by James Constantine Pilling. X+614 pp., 82 facsimiles. [Bibliographic notes on Eliot’s Indian Bible and other works, pp. 127-184, 21 pls.] 1891 [1892] # [In separate form:] Bibliographic notes on Eliot’s Indian Bible and on his other translations and works in the Indian language of Massachusetts. 4o. 60 pp., 21 pls. (facsimiles). 1890
  • 14. Bibliography of the Athapascan languages, by James Constantine Pilling. XIII+125 pp. (incl. 4 pp. facsimiles). 1892
  • 15. Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (including the Chinook jargon), by James Constantine Pilling. XIII+81 pp. (incl. 3 facsimiles). 1893
  • 16. Bibliography of the Salishan languages, by James Constantine Pilling. XIII+86 pp. (incl. 4 pp. facsimiles). 1893
  • 17. The Pamunkey Indians of Virginia, by Jno. Garland Pollard. Preface by W J McGee. 19 pp. 1894 Digitalisat
  • 18. The Maya year , by Cyrus Thomas. Prefatory note by W J McGee. 64 pp., 1 pl. 1894
  • 19. Bibliography of the Wakashan languages, by James Constantine Pilling. XI+70 pp. (incl. 2 pp. facsimiles). 1894
  • 20. Chinook texts, by Franz Boas. 278 pp., 1 pl. 1894 [1895] Digitalisat
  • 21. An ancient quarry in Indian Territory, by William Henry Holmes. 19 pp., 12 pls., 7 figs. 1894
  • 22. The Siouan tribes of the East, by James Mooney. 101 pp., map. 1894 [1895] Digitalisat
  • 23. Archeologic investigations in James and Potomac Valleys, by Gerard Fowke. 80 pp., 17 figs. 1894 [1895]
  • 24. List of the publications of the Bureau of Ethnology, with index to authors and subjects, by Frederick Webb Hodge. 25 pp. 1894
  • 25. Natick dictionary, by James Hammond Trumbull. With introduction by Edward Everett Hale, pp. [IX-XIII.] XXVIII+349 pp. 1903
  • 26. Kathlamet texts, by Franz Boas. 261 pp., 1 pl. 1901 Digitalisat
  • 27. Tsimshian texts, by Franz Boas. 244 pp. 1902 Digitalisat
  • 28. Mexican and Central American antiquities, calendar systems, and history: Twenty-four papers by Eduard Seler, E. Förstemann, Paul Schellhas, Carl Sapper, and E. P. Dieseldorff. Translated from the German under the supervision of Charles P. Bowditch. 682 pp., 49 pls., 134 figs. 1904
  • 29. Haida texts and myths: Skidegate dialect, by John R. Swanton. 448 pp., 5 figs. 1905 Digitalisat
  • 30. Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico, edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Pt. 1, IX+972 pp., many figures, map. 1907. Pt. 2, IV+1221 pp., many figures. 1910
  • 31. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. 31 pp. 1906
  • 32. Antiquities of the Jemez Plateau, New Mexico, by Edgar L. Hewett. 55 pp., 17 pls. (incl. 1 map), 31 figs. 1906
  • 33. Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North America, by . [Prefatory note by W. H. Holmes] 113 pp., 21 pls., 16 figs. 1907
  • 34. Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of southwestern United States and northern Mexico, by Aleš Hrdlička. IX+460 pp., 28 pls., 2 figs. 1908 Digitalisat
  • 35. Antiquities of the upper Gila and Salt River valleys in Arizona and New Mexico, by Walter Hough. 96 pp., 11 pls. (incl. 1 map), 51 figs. 1907
  • 36. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. 31 pp. 1907
  • 37. Antiquities of central and southeastern Missouri, by Gerard Fowke. (Report on explorations made in 1906-7 under the auspices of the Archaeological Institute of America.) [With Report on skeletal material from Missouri Mounds, collected in 1906-07 by Mr. Gerard Fowke, by , pp. 103-112.] VII+116 pp., 19 pls., 20 figs. 1910
  • 38. Unwritten literature of Hawaii. The sacred songs of the hula collected and translated, with notes, and an account of the hula, by Nathaniel B. Emerson, A.M., M.D. [Prefatory note by W. H. Holmes.] 288 pp., 24 pls., 3 figs., 14 musical pieces. 1909
  • 39. Tlingit myths and texts, recorded by John R. Swanton, VIII+451 pp. 1909
  • 40. Handbook of American Indian languages, by Franz Boas. Pt. 1, VII+1069 pp. Pt. 2, V+903 pp. Pt 1, 1911. [Reprinted 1917.] Pt. 2, 1922. (Pt. 3, ed. by Franz Boas. Published by J. J. Augustin, New York: separates, 1933–1938; volume, 1938.) Part I: Introduction, by Franz Boas; Athapascan (Hupa), by Pliny Earle Goddard; Tlingit, Haida, by John R. Swanton; Tsimshian, Kwakiutl, Chinook, by Franz Boas; Maidu, by Roland B. Dixon; Algonquian (Fox), by William Jones (revised by Truman Michelson); Siouan (Dakota), by Franz Boas and John R. Swanton; Eskimo, by William Thalbitzer. Part 2: Takelma, by Edward Sapir; Coos, by Leo J. Frachtenberg; Siuslawan, by Leo J. Frachtenberg; Chukchee, by Waldemar Bogoras.
  • 41. Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Spruce-tree House, by J. Walter Fewkes. VIII+57 pp., 21 pls., 37 figs. 1909
  • 42. Tuberculosis among certain Indian tribes of the United States, by . VII+48 pp., 22 pls. 1909
  • 43. Indian tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of the Gulf of Mexico, by John R. Swanton. VII+387 pp., 32 pls. (incl. 1 map), 2 figs. 1911
  • 44. Indian languages of Mexico and Central America, and their geographical distribution, by Cyrus Thomas, assisted by John R. Swanton. Accompanied with a linguistic map. [Prefatory note by W. H. Holmes.] VII+108 pp., 1 map. 1911
  • 45. Chippewa music, by Frances Densmore. XIX+216 pp., 12 pls., 8 figs., 200 songs. 1910
  • 46. A dictionary of the Choctaw language, by Cyrus Byington, edited by John R. Swanton and Henry S. Halbert. XI+611 pp., 1 pl. 1915. (Reprinted 1918.)
  • 47. A dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo languages, accompanied with thirty-one Biloxi texts and numerous Biloxi phrases, by James Owen Dorsey and John R. Swanton. V+340 pp. 1912. (Reprinted 1916.)
  • 48. The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, by David I. Bushnell, Jr. IX+37 pp., 22 pls., 1 fig. 1909. (Reprinted 1917.)
  • 49. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. 32 pp. 1910 (Second impression 1911, 34 pp)
  • 50. Preliminary report on a visit to the Navaho National Monument, Arizona, by Jesse Walter Fewkes. VII+35 pp., 22 pls., 3 figs. 1911
  • 51. Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Cliff Palace, by Jesse Walter Fewkes. 82 pp., 35 pls., 4 figs. 1911
  • 52. Early man in South America, by in collaboration with William H. Holmes, Bailey Willis, Fred. Eugene Wright, and Clarence N. Fenner. XV+405 pp., 68 pls., 51 figs. 1912
  • 53. Chippewa music-II, by Frances Densmore. XXI+341 pp., 45 pls., 6 figs., 180 songs. 1913
  • 54. The physiography of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, in relation to Pueblo culture, by Edgar Lee Hewett, Junius Henderson, and Wilfred William Robbins. 76 pp., 11 pls., 2 figs. 1913 The Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, by Edgar Lee Hewett. Pp. 11-22. Geology and topography of the Rio Grande region in New Mexico, by Junius Henderson. Pp. 23-39. Climate and evidence of climate changes, by Junius Henderson and Wilfred William Robbins. pp. 41-76.
  • 55. Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians, by Wilfred William Robbins, John Peabody Harrington, and Barbara Freire-Marreco. XII+124 pp., 9 pls., 7 figs. 1916
  • 56. Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians, by Junius Henderson and John Peabody Harrington. X+76 pp. 1914
  • 57. An introduction to the study of the Maya hieroglyphs, by Sylvanus Griswold Morley. XVI+284 pp., 32 pls., 85 figs. 1915
  • 58. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles. 39 pp. 1914
  • 59. Kutenai tales, by Franz Boas; together with texts collected by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. XII+387 pp. 1918
  • 60. Handbook of aboriginal American antiquities. Part I. Introductory: The lithic industries, by W. H. Holmes. XVII+380 pp., 223 figs. 1919
  • 61. Teton Sioux music, by Frances Densmore. XXVIII+561 pp., 82 pls., 43 figs., 240 songs. 1918
  • 62. Physical anthropology of the Lenape or Delawares, and of the Eastern Indians in general, by . 130 pp., 29 pls.,1 fig. 1916
  • 63. Analytical and critical bibliography of the tribes of Tierra del Fuego and adjacent territory, by John M. Cooper. IX+233 pp., 1 pl. (map). 1917
  • 64. The Maya Indians of southern Yucatan and northern British Honduras, by Thomas W. F. Gann. 146 pp., 28 pls., 84 figs. 1918
  • 65. Archeological explorations in northeastern Arizona, by Alfred Vincent Kidder and Samuel J. Guernsey. 228 pp., 97 pls., 102 figs. 1919
  • 66. Recent discoveries attributed to early man in American, by . 67 pp., 14 pls., 8 figs. 1918
  • 67. Alsea text and myths, by Leo J. Frachtenberg. 304 pp. 1920
  • 68. A structural and lexical comparison of the Tunica, Chitimacha, and Atakapa languages, by John R. Swanton. 56 pp. 1919
  • 69. Native villages and village sites east of the Mississippi, by David I. Bushnell, Jr. 111 pp., 17 pls., 12 figs. 1919
  • 70. Prehistoric villages, castles, and towers of southwestern Colorado, by J. Walter Fewkes. 79 pp., 33 pls., 18 figs. 1919
  • 71. Native cemeteries and forms of burial east of the Mississippi, by David I. Bushnell, Jr. 160 pp., 17 pls., 17 figs. 1920
  • 72. The owl sacred pack of the Fox Indians, by Truman Michelson. 83 pp., 4 pls. 1921
  • 73. Early history of the Creek Indians and their neighbors, by John R. Swanton. 492 pp., 10 pls. (all pocket maps). 1922
  • 74. Excavation of a site at Santiago Ahuitzotla, D. F. Mexico, by Alfred M. Tozzer. 56 pp., 19 pls., 9 figs. 1921
  • 75. Northern Ute music, by Frances Densmore. 213 pp., 16 pls., 21 figs., 110 songs. 1922
  • 76. Archeological investigations. I. Cave explorations in the Ozark region of Central Missouri. II. Cave explorations in other[p. 22] States. III. Explorations along the Missouri River bluffs in Kansas and Nebraska. IV. Aboriginal house mounds. V. Archeological work in Hawaii. By Gerald Fowke. 204 pp., 45 pls., 37 figs. 1922
  • 77. Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi, by David I. Bushnell, Jr. X+211 pp., 55 pls., 12 figs. 1922
  • 78. Handbook of the Indians of California, by A. L. Kroeber. XVIII+995 pp., 83 pls. (incl. 1 pocket map), 78 figs. 1925 [Reprinted by California Book Co., Ltd., Berkeley, Calif.]
  • 79. Blood revenge, war, and victory feasts among the Jibaro Indians of Eastern Ecuador, by Rafael Karsten. VII+94 pp., 10 pls. 1923
  • 80. Mandan and Hidatsa music, by Frances Densmore. XX+192 pp., 19 pls., 6 figs., 110 songs. 1923
  • 81. Excavations in the Chama Valley, New Mexico, by J. A. Jeancon. IX+80 pp., 65 pls., 38 figs. 1923
  • 82. Archeological observations north of the Rio Colorado, by Neil M. Judd. IX+171 pp., 61 pls., 46 figs. 1926
  • 83. Burials of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi, by David I. Bushnell, Jr. X+103 pp., 37 pls., 3 figs. 1927
  • 84. Vocabulary of the Kiowa language, by John P. Harrington. V+255 pp., 1 fig. 1928.
  • 85. Contributions to Fox ethnology: Notes on the ceremonial runners of the Fox Indinas; a Sauk and Fox sacred pack; a sacred pack called A’penäwänä’Abelonging to the Thunder gens of the Fox Indians; a sacred pack called Sagima’kwäwA belonging to the Bear gens of the Fox Indians. By Truman Michelson. VII+168 pp., 2 pls., 2 figs. 1927
  • 86. Chippewa customs, by Frances Densmore. XII+204 pp., 90 pls., 27 figs. 1929
  • 87. Notes on the Buffalo-head dance of the Thunder gens of the Fox Indians, by Truman Michelson. V+94 pp., 1 fig. 1928.
  • 88. Myths and tales of the Southeastern Indians, by John R. Swanton. X+275 pp. 1929
  • 89. Observations on the Thunder dance of the Bear gens of the Fox Indians, by Truman Michelson. V+73 pp., 1 fig. 1929
  • 90. Papago music, by Frances Densmore. XX+229 pp., 19 pls., 4 figs., 167 songs. 1929
  • 91. Additional studies of the arts, crafts, and customs of the Guiana Indians, with special reference to those of southern British[p. 23] Guiana, by Walter E. Roth. XVII+110 pp., 34 pls., 90 figs. 1929
  • 92. Shabik’eshchee village: A late Basket Maker site in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. VIII+164 pp., 31 pls., 32 figs. 1929
  • 93. Pawnee music, by Frances Densmore. XVIII+129 pp., 8 pls., 86 songs. 1929
  • 94. Tobacco among the Karuk Indians of California, by John P. Harrington. XXXVI+284 pp., 36 pls., 2 figs. 1932
  • 95. Contributions to Fox ethnology-II, by Truman Michelson. VII+183 pp., 1 fig. 1930
  • 96. Early Pueblo ruins in the Piedra district, southwestern Colorado, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. IX+190 pp., 55 pls., 40 figs. 1930
  • 97. The Kamia of Imperial Valley, by E. W. Gifford. VII+94 pp., 2 pls., 4 figs. 1931
  • 98. Tales of the Cochiti Indians, by Ruth Benedict. X+256 pp. 1931 Digitalisat
  • 99. The Swimmer manuscript: Cherokee sacred formulas and medicinal prescriptions, by James Mooney; revised, completed, and edited by Frans M. Olbrechts. XVII+319 pp., 13 pls. 1932 Digitalisat
  • 100. The ruins at Kiatuthlanna, eastern Arizona, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. VIII+195 pp., 47 pls., 31 figs. 1931
  • 101. War ceremony and peace ceremony of the Osage Indians, by Francis La Flesche. VII+280 pp., 13 pls., 1 fig. 1939
  • 102. Menominee music, by Frances Densmore. XXII+230 pp., 27 pls., 3 figs., 140 songs. 1932
  • 103. Source material for the social and ceremonial life of the Choctaw Indians, by John R. Swanton. VII+282 pp., 6 pls., 1 fig. 1931
  • 104. A survey of prehistoric sites in the region of Flagstaff, Arizona, by Harold S. Colton. VII+69 pp., 10 pls. (incl. 4 maps), 21 figs. 1932
  • 105. Notes on the Fox , by Truman Michelson. V+195 pp., 1 fig. 1932
  • 106. Ethnographical survey of the Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua, by Eduard Conzemius. VII+191 pp., 10 pls., 1 fig. 1932
  • 107. Karuk Indian myths, by John P. Harrington. V+34 pp. 1932
  • 108. A dictionary of the Atakapa language, accompanied by text material, by Albert S. Gatschet and John R. Swanton. V+181 pp., 1 pl. 1932
  • 109. A dictionary of the Osage language, by Francis La Flesche. V+406 pp. 1932
  • 110. Yuman and Yaqui music, by Frances Densmore. XVIII+216 pp., 31 pls., 7 figs., 130 songs. 1932
  • 111. The village of the Great Kivas on the Zuñi Reservation, New Mexico, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. IX+197 pp., 64 pls., 34 figs. 1932
  • 112. An introduction to Pawnee archeology, by Waldo Rudolph Wedel. XI+122 pp., 12 pls., 10 maps, 12 figs. 1936
  • 113. The Troyville mounds, Catahoula Parish, La., by Winslow M. Walker. VII+73 pp., 16 pls., 15 figs. 1936
  • 114. Fox miscellany, by Truman Michelson. V+124 pp., 9 figs. 1937
  • 115. Journal of Rudolph Friederich Kurz. Translated by Myrtis Jarrell. Edited by J. N. B. Hewitt. IX+382 pp., 48 pls., 1937
  • 116. Ancient caves of the Great Salt Lake region, by Julian H. Steward. XIV+131 pp., 9 pls., 1 map, 48 figs. 1937
  • 117. Historical and ethnographical material on the Jivaro Indians, by M. W. Stirling. XI+148 pp., 37 pls., 1 map, 6 figs. 1938
  • 118. An archeological survey of the Norris Basin in eastern Tennessee, by William S. Webb. XV+398 pp., 152 pls., 2 maps, 79 figs. 1938
  • 119. Anthropological papers, numbers 1-6. IX+204 pp., 12 pls., 7 figs. 1938
No. 1. A preliminary report on archeological explorations at Macon, Ga., by A. R. Kelly. Pp. V-IX+1-68, pls. 1-12, figs. 1-7.
No. 2. The northern Arapaho flat pipe and the ceremony of covering the pipe, by John G. Carter. Pp. 69-102, figs. 8-10.
No. 3. The Caribs of Dominca, by Douglas Taylor. Pp. 103-159, pls. 13-18, figs. 11-37.
No.4. What happened to Green Bear who was blessed with a sacred pack, by Truman Michelson. Pp. 161-176.
No. 5. Lemhi Shoshoni physical therapy, by Julian H. Steward. Pp. 177-181.
No. 6. Panatübiji’, an Owens Valley Paiute, by Julian H. Steward. Pp. 183-195.
  • 120. Basin-plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups, by Julian H. Steward. XII+346 pp., 3 pls., 13 figs. 1938
  • 121. Archeological remains in the Whitewater District, eastern Arizona. Part I: House types, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. XII+276 pp., 30 pls., 53 figs. 1939
  • 122. An archeological survey of Wheeler Basin on the Tennessee River in northern Alabama, by William S. Webb. XV+214 pp., 122 pls., 2 maps, 25 figs. 1939
  • 123. Anthropological papers, numbers 7-12. VIII+305 pp., 32 pls., 27 figs. 1939
No. 7. Archeological investigations in the Corozal District of British Honduras, by Thomas and Mary Gann. [Incl. Report on two skulls from British Honduras, by A. J. E. Cave, pp. 59-60]. VII-VIII+1-66, pls. 1-10, figs. 1-11.
No. 8. Linguistic classification of Cree and Montagnais-Naskapi dialects, by Truman Michelson. Pp. 67-95, fig. 12.
No. 9. Sedelmayr’s Relacion of 1746, translated and edited by Ronald L. Ives. Pp. 97-117.
No.10. Notes on the Creek Indians, by J. N. B. Hewitt, edited by John R. Swanton. Pp. 119-159, figs. 13-14.
No. 11. The Yaruros of the Capanaparo River, Venezuela, by Vincenzo Petrullo. Pp. 161-290, pls. 11-25, figs. 15-27.
No. 12. Archeology of Arauquin, by Vincenzo Petrullo. Pp. 291-295, pls. 26-32.
  • 124. Nootka and Quileute music, by Frances Densmore. XXVI+358 pp., 24 pls., 7 figs., 210 songs. 1939
  • 125. Ethnography of the Fox Indians, by William Jones; edited by Margaret Welpley Fisher. IX+156 pp. 1939
  • 126. Archeological remains in the Whitewater District, eastern Arizona. Part II: Artifacts and burials, by Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. With appendix, Skeletal remains from the Whitewater District, eastern Arizona, by T. D. Stewart. XI+170 pp., 57 pls., 44 figs. 1940
  • 127. Linguistic material from the tribes of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico, by John R. Swanton. V+145 pp. 1940
  • 128. Anthropological papers, numbers 13-18. XII+368 pp., 52 pls., 77 figs. 1941
No. 13. The mining of gems and ornamental stones by American Indians, by Sydney H. Ball. Pp. IX-XII+1-77, pls. 1-5.
No. 14. Iroquois suicide: A study in the stability of a culture pattern, by William N. Fenton. Pp. 79-137, pls. 6-8.
No. 15. Tonawanda longhouse ceremonies: Ninety years after Lewis Henry Morgan, by William N. Fenton. Pp. 139-165, pls. 9-18.
No. 16. The Quichua-speaking Indians of the Province of Imbabura (Ecuador) and their anthropometric relations with the living populations of the Andean area, by John Gillin. Pp. 167-228, pls. 19-29, figs. 1-2.
No. 17. Art processes in birchbark of the river Desert Algonquin, a circumboreal trait, by Frank G. Speck. Pp. 229-274, pls. 30-42, figs. 3-25.
No. 18. Archeological reconnaissance of southern Utah, by Julian H. Steward. Pp. 275-356, pls. 43-52, figs. 26-77.
  • 129. An archeological survey of Pickwick Basin in the adjacent portions of the States of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, by William S. Webb and David L. DeJarnett. With additions by Walter B. Jones; J. P. E. Morrison; Marshall T. Newman and Charles E. Snow; and William G. Haag. XXII+536 pp., 316 pls., 2 maps, 99 figs. 1942 # Geology of the Pickwick Basin, in adjacent parts of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama, by Walter B. Jones. Pp. 327-335.

Preliminary report on mollusks found in the shell mounds of the Pickwick Landing Basin in the Tennessee River Valley by J. P. E. Morrison. Pp. 337-392. Preliminary report on the skeletal material from Pickwick Basin, Alabama, by Marshall T. Newman and Charles E. Snow. Pp. 393-507. A description and analysis of the Pickwick pottery, by William G. Haag. Pp. 509-526.

  • 130. Archeological investigations at Buena Vista Lake, Kern County, California, by Waldo R. Wedel. With appendix, Skeletal remains from the Buena Vista sites, California, by T. D. Stewart. VIII+194 pp., 57 pls., 19 figs. 1941
  • 131. Peachtree Mound and village site, Cherokee County, North Carolina, by Frank M. Setzler and Jesse D. Jennings. With appendix, Skeletal remains from the Peachtree Site, North Carolina, by T. D. Stewart. IX+103 pp., 50 pls., 12 figs. 1941
  • 132. Source material on the history and ethnology of the Caddo Indians, by John R. Swanton. VII+332 pp., 19 pls., 5 figs. 1942
  • 133. Anthropological papers, numbers 19-26. IX+615 pp., 34 pls., 62 figs. 1943 [1944]
No. 19. A search for songs among the Chitimacha Indians in Louisiana, by Frances Densmore. Pp. 1-15, pls. 1-4.
No. 20. Archeological survey on the northern Northwest Coast, by Philip Drucker. With appendix, Early vertebrate fauna of the British Columbia coast, by Edna M. Fisher. Pp. 17-142, pls. 5-9, figs. 1-33.
No. 21. Some notes on a few sites in Beaufort County, South Carolina, by Regina Flannery. Pp. 143-153, figs. 34-35.
No. 22. An analysis and interpretation of the ceramic remains from two sites near Beaufort, South Carolina, by James B. Griffin. Pp. 155-168, pls. 10-12.
No. 23. The Eastern Cherokees, by William Harlen Gilbert, Jr. Pp. 169-413, pls. 13-17, figs. 36-55.
No. 24. Aconite poison whaling in Asia and America: An Aleutian transfer to the New World, by Robert F. Heizer. Pp. 415-468, pls. 18-23A, figs. 56-60.
No. 25. The Carrier Indians of the Bulkley River: Their social and religious life, by Diamond Jenness. Pp. 469-586, pls. 24-34, figs. 61-62.
No. 26. The quipu and Peruvian civilization, by John R. Swanton. Pp. 587-596.
  • 134. The native tribes of eastern Bolivia and western Matto Grosso, by Alfred Métraux. IX+182 pp., 5 pls., 1 fig. 1942
  • 135. Origin myth of Acoma and other records, by Matthew W. Stirling. VIII+123 pp., 17 pls., 8 figs. 1942
  • 136. Anthropological papers, numbers 27-32. VII+375 pp., 32 pls., 5 figs. 1943 [1944]
No. 27. Music of the Indians of British Columbia, by Frances Densmore. Pp. 1-99, pls. 1-9, figs. 1-2, 98 songs.
No. 28. Choctaw music, by Frances Densmore. Pp. 101-188, pls., 10-21, figs. 3-4, 65 songs.
No. 29. Some ethnological data concerning one hundred Yucatan plants, by Morris Steggerda. Pp. 189-226, pls. 22-24.
No. 30. A description of thirty towns in Yucatan, Mexico, by Morris Steggerda. Pp. 227-248, pls. 25-28.
No. 31. Some western Shoshoni myths, by Julian H. Steward. Pp. 249-299.
No. 32. New material from Acoma, by Leslie A. White. Pp. 301-359, pls. 29-32, fig. 5.
  • 137. The Indians of the Southeastern United States, by John R. Swanton. XIII+943 pp., 107 pls., 5 figs., 13 maps. 1946
  • 138. Stone monuments of southern Mexico, by Matthew W. Stirling. VII+84 pp., 62 pls., 14 figs. 1943 [1944]
  • 139. An introduction to the ceramics of Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico, by C. W. Weiant. XIV+144 pp., 78 pls., 54 figs., 10 maps. 1943
  • 140. Ceramic sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico, by Philip Drucker. IX+155 pp., 65 pls., 46 figs. 1943
  • 141. Ceramic stratigraphy at Cerro de las Mesas, Veracruz, Mexico, by Philip Drucker. VIII+95 pp., 58 pls., 210 figs. 1943 [1944]
  • 142. The contemporary culture of the Cáhita Indians, by Ralph L. Beals. XII+244 pp., 20 pls., 33 figs., 1 map. 1945.
  • 143. Handbook of South American Indians. Julian H. Steward, editor. 7 vols. (Vols. 1-2, 1946; 3-4, 1948; 5, 1949; 6, 1950; 7 (Index), 1959)
  • 144. The Northern and Central Nootkan tribes, by Philip Drucker. IX+480 pp., 5 pls., 28 figs., 8 maps. 1951
  • 145. The Indian tribes of North America, by John R. Swanton. VI+726 pp., 5 maps. 1952. Reprinted 1969.
  • 146. Chippewa child life and its cultural background, by Sister M. Inez Hilger. XIV+204 pp., 31 pls., 1 fig. 1951
  • 147. Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850, by Thaddeus A. Culbertson. Edited by John Francis McDermott. VIII+164 pp., 2 maps. 1952
  • 148. Arapaho child life and its cultural background, by Sister M. Inez Hilger. XV+253 pp., 40 pls., 1 fig. 1952
  • 149. Symposium on local diversity in Iroquois culture, edited by William N. Fenton. V+187 pp., 21 figs. 1951
No. 1. Introduction: The concept of locality and the program of Iroquois research, by William N. Fenton. Pp. 1-12.
No. 2. Concepts of land ownership among the Iroquois and their neighbors, by George S. Snyderman. Pp. 13-34.
No. 3. Locality as a basic factor in the development of Iroquois social structure, by William N. Fenton. Pp. 35-54.
No. 4. Some psychological determinants of culture change in an Iroquoian community, by Anthony F. C. Wallace. Pp. 55-76.
No. 5. The religion of Handsome Lake: Its origin and development, by Merle H. Deardorff. Pp. 77-107.
No. 6. Local diversity in Iroquois music and dance, by Gertrude P. Kurath. Pp. 109-137.
No. 7. The Feast of the Dead, or Ghost Dance, at Six Nations Reserve, Canada, by William N. Fenton and Gertrude P. Kurath. Pp. 139-165.
No. 8. Iroquois women, then and now, by Martha Champion Randle. Pp. 167-180.
  • 150. The modal personality structure of the Tuscarora Indians as revealed by the Rorschach test, by Anthony F. C. Wallace. VIII+120 pp., 1 pl., 8 figs. 1952.
  • 151. Anthropological papers, numbers 33-42. IX+507 pp., 37 pls., 25 figs., 7 maps. 1953
No. 33. Of the Crow Nation, by Edwin Thompson Denig, edited with biographical sketch and footnotes by John C. Ewers. Pp. 1-74, pls. 1-6, map 1.
No. 34. The water lily in Maya art: a complex of alleged Asiatic origin, by Robert L. Rands. Pp. 75-153, figs. 1-6.
No. 35. The medicine bundles of the Florida Seminole and the Green Corn Dance, by Louis Capron. Pp. 155-210, pls. 7-15, figs. 7-10.
No. 36. Technique in the music of the American Indian, by Frances Densmore. Pp. 213-216.
No. 37. The belief of the Indian in a connection between song and the supernatural, by Frances Densmore. Pp. 217-223.
No. 38. Aboriginal fish poisons, by Robert F. Heizer. Pp. 225-283, pls. 16-19, maps 2-4.
No. 39. Aboriginal navigation off the coasts of Upper and Baja California, by Robert F. Heizer and William C. Massey. Pp. 285-311, pls. 20-23, figs. 11 and 12, maps 5-7.
No. 40. Exploration of an Adena Mound at Natrium, West Virginia, by Ralph S. Solecki. Pp. 313-395, pls. 24-29, figs. 13-19.
No. 41. The Wind River Shoshone Sun Dance, by D. B. Shimkin. Pp. 397-484, pls. 30-37, figs. 20-25.
No. 42. Current trends in the Wind River Shoshone Sun Dance, by Fred W. Voget. Pp. 485-499.
  • 152. Index to Schoolcraft’s „Indian tribes of the United States,“ compiled by Frances S. Nichols. VI+257 pp. 1954.
  • 153. La Venta, Tabasco: A study of Olmec ceramics and art, by Philip Drucker. With a chapter on structural investigations in 1943, by Waldo R. Wedel, and appendix on technological analyses, by Anna O. Shepard. X+257 pp., 66 pls., 64 figs. 1952
  • 154. River Basin Surveys Papers, Nos. 1-6. XV+336 pp., 56 pls., 40 figs. 1953
No. 1. Prehistory and the Missouri Valley development program: summary report on the Missouri River Basin archeological survey in 1948, by Waldo R. Wedel. Pp. XV-XVIII, 1-59, pls. 1-12, fig. 1.
No. 2. Prehistory and the Missouri Valley development program: summary report on the Missouri River Basin archeological survey in 1949, by Waldo R. Wedel. Pp. 61-101, pls. 13-15.
No. 3. The Woodruff ossuary, a prehistoric burial site in Phillips County, Kansas, by Marvin F. Kivett. Pp. 103-141, pls. 16-28, figs. 2-3.
No. 4. The Addicks dam site: I. An archeological survey of the Addicks Dam Basin, southeast Texas, by Joe Ben Wheat. Pp. 143-252, pls. 29-47, figs. 4-23. II. Indian skeletal remains from the Doering and Kobs sites, Addicks Reservoir, Texas, by Marshall T. Newman. Pp. 253-266, figs. 24-28.
No. 5. The Hodges site: I. Two rock shelters near Tucumcari, New Mexico, by Herbert W. Dick. Pp. 267-284, pls. 48-54, figs. 29-30. II. Geology of the Hodges site, Quay County, New Mexico, by Sheldon Judson. Pp. 285-302, figs. 31-35.
No. 6. The Rembert mounds, Elbert County, Georgia, by Joseph R. Caldwell. Pp. 303-320, pls. 55-56, figs. 36-40.
  • 155. Prehistoric settlement patterns in the Virú Valley, Peru, by Gordon R. Willey. XXII+453 pp., 60 pls., 88 figs. 1953
  • 156. The Iroquois Eagle Dance, an offshoot of the Calumet Dance, by William N. Fenton, with an analysis of the Iroquois Eagle Dance and songs, by Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. VI+324 pp., 28 pls., 36 figs. 1953
  • 157. Anthropological Papers, numbers 43-48. III+415 pp., 76 pls., 23 figs. 1955
No. 43. Stone monuments of the Río Chiquito, Veracruz, Mexico, by Matthew W. Stirling. Pp. 1-23, pls. 1-26, fig. 1.
No. 44. The Cerro de las Mesas offering of jade and other materials, by Philip Drucker. Pp. 25-68, pls. 27-54, figs. 2-9.
No. 45. Archeological materials from the vicinity of Mobridge, South Dakota, by Waldo R. Wedel. Pp. 69-188, pls. 55-71, figs. 10-12.
No. 46. The original Strachey vocabulary of the Virginia Indian language, by John P. Harrington. Pp. 189-202, 16 sheets of vocabulary with 16 keys.
No. 47. The Sun Dance of the Northern Ute, by J.A. Jones. Pp. 203-263, fig. 13.
No. 48. Some manifestations of water in Mesoamerican art, by Robert L. Rands. Pp. 265-393, pls. 72-76, figs. 14-23.

158. River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 7: Archeological investigations in the Oahe Dam area, South Dakota, 1950–1951, by Donald J. Lehmer. With appendixes by Theodore E. White, and Norton H. Nickerson and Ding Hou. XI+190 pp., 22 pls., 56 figs., 6 maps. 1954

  • 159. The horse in Blackfoot Indian culture, with comparative material from other western tribes, by John C. Ewers. XV+374 pp., 17 pls., 33 figs. 1955. Reprinted 1969.
  • 160. A ceramic study of Virginia archeology, by Clifford Evans. With appendix, An analysis of projectile points and large blades, by C. G. Holland. VIII+195 pp., 30 pls., 23 figs. 1955
  • 161. Seminole music, by Frances Densmore. XXVIII+224 pp., 18 pls., 1 fig., 243 music scores. 1956
  • 162. Guaymí grammar and dictionary, with some ethnological notes, by Ephraim S. Alphonse. IX+128 pp. 1956
  • 163. The Dîné: Origin myths of the Navaho Indians, by Aileen O’Bryan. VII+194 pp. 1956
  • 164. Anthropological papers, numbers 49-56. X+355 pp., 75 pls., 20 figs. 1957
No. 49. The Ormond Beach Mound, East Central Florida, by Jesse D. Jennings, Gordon R. Willey, and Marshall T. Newman. Pp. V-X+1-28, pls. 1-12, figs. 1-4.
No. 50. Hair pipes in Plains Indian adornment, a study in Indian and White ingenuity, by John C. Ewers. Pp. 29-85, pls. 13-37, maps 1-6.
No. 51. Observations on some nineteenth-century pottery vessels from the Upper Missouri, by Waldo R. Wedel. Pp. 87-114, pls. 38-45, map 7.
No. 52. Revaluation of the Eastern Siouan problem, with particular emphasis on the Virginia branches – the Occaneechi, the Saponi, and the Tutelo, by Carl F. Miller. Pp. 115-212, maps 8-14.
No. 53. An archeological reconnaissance in Southeastern Mexico, by Matthew W. Stirling. Pp. 213-240, pls. 46-73, fig. 5, map 15.
No. 54. Valladolid Maya enumeration, by John P. Harrington. Pp. 241-278.
No. 55. Letters to Jack Wilson, the Paiute Prophet, written between 1908 and 1911, edited and with an introduction by Grace M. Dangberg. Pp. 279-296.
No. 56. Factionalism at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, by William N. Fenton. Pp. 297-344, pls. 74-75.
  • 165. Music of Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti, and Zuñi Pueblos, by Frances Densmore. XII+117 pp., 6 pls., 82 music transcriptions. 1957
  • 166. River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 8: Excavations in the McNary Reservoir Basin near Umatilla, Oregon, by Douglas Osborne. With appendixes by Marshall T. Newman, Arthur Woodward, W. J. Kroll, and B. H. McLeod. IX+258 pp., 40 pls., 6 figs., 19 maps
  • 167. Archeological investigations at the mouth of the Amazon, by Betty J. Meggers and Clifford Evans. XXVIII+664 pp., 112 pls., 206 figs., 71 tables. 1957
  • 168. The Native Brotherhoods: Modern intertribal organizations on the Northwest Coast, by Philip Drucker. IV+194 pp. 1958.
  • 169. River Basin Surveys Papers, numbers 9-14. IX+392 pp., 73 pls., 13 figs., 9 maps. 1958
No. 9. Archeological investigations in the Heart Butte Reservoir area, North Dakota, by Paul L. Cooper. Pp. 1-40, pls. 1-12, figs. 1 and 2, maps 1 and 2.
No. 10. Archeological investigations at the Tuttle Creek Dam, Kansas, by Robert B. Cumming, Jr. Pp. 41-78, pls. 13-24, maps 3 and 4.
No. 11. The Spain site (39LM301), a winter village in Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota, by Carlyle S. Smith and Roger T. Grange, Jr. Pp. 79-128, pls. 25-36, figs. 3 and 4, maps 5 and 6.
No. 12. The Wilbanks site (9CK-5), Georgia, by William H. Sears. Pp. 129-194, pls. 37-45, figs. 5-9, map 7.
No. 13. Historic sites in and around the Jim Woodruff Reservoir area, Florida-Georgia, by Mark F. Boyd. Pp. 195-314, pls. 46-55, figs. 10 and 11, map 8.
No. 14. Six sites near the Chattahoochee River in the Jim Woodruff Reservoir area, Florida, by Ripley P. Bullen. Pp. 315-357, pls. 56-73, figs. 12 and 13, map 9.
  • 170. Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955, by Philip Drucker, Robert F. Heizer, and Robert J. Squier. With appendixes by Jonas E. Gullberg, Garniss H. Curtis, and A. Starker Leopold. VIII+312 pp., 63 pls., 82 figs. 1959
  • 171. The North Alaskan Eskimo: A study in ecology and society, by Robert F. Spencer. VI+490 pp., 9 pls., 2 figs., 4 maps. 1959. Reprinted 1969.
  • 172. The story of a Tlingit community: A problem in the relationship between archeological, ethnological, and historical methods, by Frederica de Laguna. X+254 pp., 11 pls., 18 figs., 1960
  • 173. Anthropological Papers, numbers 57-62. III+498 pp., 61 pls., 37 figs., 2 maps. 1960
No. 57. Preceramic and ceramic cultural patterns in northwest Virginia, by C. G. Holland. Pp. 1-129, figs. 1-12.
No. 58. An introduction to Plains Apache archeology – the Dismal River Aspect, by James H. Gunnerson. Pp. 131-260, pls., 1-38, figs., 13-24.
No. 59. The use of the atlatl on Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan, by M. W. Stirling. Pp. 261-268, pls. 39-41.
No. 60. A Caroline Islands script, by Saul H. Riesenberg and Shigeru Kaneshiro. Pp. 269-333, pls. 42-44, figs. 25-28, map 1.
No. 61. Dakota winter counts as a source of Plains history, by James H. Howard. Pp. 335-416, pls. 45-47.
No. 62. Stone tipi rings in north-central Montana and the adjacent portion of Alberta, Canada: Their historical, ethnological, and archeological aspects, by Thomas F. Kehoe. Pp. 417-473, pls. 48-61, figs. 29-37, map 2.
  • 174. An introduction to Kansas archeology, by Waldo R. Wedel. With description of the skeletal remains from Doniphan and Scott Counties, Kansas, by T. D. Stewart. XVII+723 pp., 97 pls., 109 figs. 1959
  • 175. Mohave ethnopsychiatry and suicide: The psychiatric knowledge and the psychic disturbances of an Indian tribe, by George Devereux. VI+586 pp., 10 pls. 1961. Reprinted 1969.
  • 176. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Editor, River Basin Surveys Papers, numbers 15-20, IX+337 pp., 65 pls., 25 figs., 7 maps. 1960
No. 15. Historic sites archeology on the Upper Missouri, by Merrill J. Mattes. Pp. 1-23.
No. 16. Historic sites archeology in the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota, by John E. Mills. Pp. 25-48, pls. 1-9, figs. 1-2, map 1.
No. 17. The excavation and investigation of Fort Lookout Trading Post II (39LM57) in the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota, by Carl F. Miller. Pp. 49-82, pls. 10-18, figs. 3-14, map 2.
No. 18. Fort Pierre II (39ST217), a historic trading post in the Oahe Dam area, South Dakota, by G. Hubert Smith. Pp. 83-158, pls. 19-30, maps 3 and 4.
No. 19. Archeological investigations at the site of Fort Stevenson (32ML1), Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, by G. Hubert Smith. With appendix by Carlyle S. Smith. Pp. 159-238, pls. 31-54, figs. 15-20, maps 5 and 6.
No. 20. The archeology of a small trading post (Kipp’s Post, 32MN1) in the Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, by Alan R. Woolworth and W. Raymond Wood. Pp. 239-305, pls. 55-65, figs. 21-25, map 7.
  • 177. Archeological investigations in British Guiana, South America, by Clifford Evans and Betty J. Meggers. XXI+418 pp., 68 pls., 127 figs. 1960
  • 178. Index to Bulletins 1-100 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to Contributions to North American Ethnology, Introductions, and Miscellaneous Publications, by Biren Bonnerjea. VI+726 pp. 1963
  • 179. River Basin Surveys Papers, numbers 21-24. XX+337 pp., 56 pls., 43 figs., 7 maps. 1961
No. 21. Excavations at Texarkana Reservoir, Sulphur River, Texas, by Edward B. Jelks. Pp. XII-XVIII+1-78, pls. 1-17, figs. 1-9
No. 22. Archeological investigations at the Coralville Reservoir, Iowa. by Warren W. Caldwell. Pp. 79-148, pls. 18-29, figs. 10-20
No. 23. The McNary Reservoir: A study in Plateau archeology, by Joel L. Shiner. Pp. 149-266, pls. 30-46, figs. 25-40, maps 1-7.
No. 24. The Sheep Island site and the Mid-Columbia Valley, by Douglas Osborne, Alan Bryan, and Robert H. Crabtree. Pp. 267-306, pls. 45-56, figs. 41-43.
  • 180. Symposium on Cherokee and Iroquois culture, edited by William N. Fenton and John Gulick. Papers 1-25. VI+292 pp. 1961
No. 1. Foreword by the editors.
No. 2. Iroquois-Cherokee linguistic relations, by Floyd G. Lounsbury.
No. 3. Comment on Floyd G. Lounsbury’s „Iroquois-Cherokee Linguistic Relations,“ by Mary R. Haas.
No. 4. Iroquois archeology and settlement patterns, by William A. Ritchie.
No. 5. First comment on William A. Ritchie’s „Iroquois Archeology and Settlement Patterns,“ by William H. Sears.
No. 6. Second comment on William A. Ritchie’s „Iroquois Archeology and Settlement Patterns,“ by Douglas S. Byers.
No. 7. Cherokee archeology, by Joffre L. Coe.
No. 8. Comment on Joffre L. Coe’s „Cherokee Archeology,“ by Charles H. Fairbanks.
No. 9. Eastern Woodlands community typology and acculturation, by John Witthoft.
No. 10. Comment on John Witthoft’s „Eastern Woodlands Community Topology and Acculturation,“ by John M. Goggin.
No. 11. Cherokee economic cooperatives: the Gadugi, by Raymond D. Fogelson and Paul Kutsche.
No. 12. The rise of the Cherokee State as an instance in a class: The „Mesopotamian“ career to statehood, by Fred O. Gearing.
No. 13. Comment on Fred O. Gearing’s „The Rise of the Cherokee State as an Instance in a Class: The ‘Mesopotamian’ Career to Statehood,“ by Annemarie Shimony.
No. 14. Cultural composition of the Handsome Lake Religion, by Anthony F. C. Wallace.
No. 15. Comment on Anthony F. C. Wallace’s „Cultural Composition of the Handsome Lake Religion,“ by Wallace L. Chafe.
No. 16. The Redbird Smith movement, by Robert K. Thomas.
No. 17. Comment on Robert K. Thomas’s „The Redbird Smith Movement,“ by Fred W. Voget.
No. 18. Effects of environment on Cherokee-Iroquois ceremonialism, music, and dance, by Gertrude P. Kurath.
No. 19. Comment on Gertrude P. Kurath’s „Effects of Environment on Cherokee-Iroquois Ceremonialism, Music, and Dance,“ by William C. Sturtevant.
No. 20. The Iroquois fortunetellers and their conservative influence, by Annemarie Shimony.
No. 21. Change, persistence, and accommodation in Cherokee medico-magical beliefs, by Raymond D. Fogelson.
No. 22. Some observations on the persistence of aboriginal Cherokee personality traits, by Charles H. Holzinger.
No. 23. First Comment on Charles H. Holzinger’s „Some Observations on the Persistence of Aboriginal Cherokee Personality Traits,“ by David Landy.
No. 24. Second Comment on Charles H. Holzinger’s „Some Observations on the Persistence of Aboriginal Cherokee Personality Traits,“ by John Gulick.
No. 25. Iroquoian culture history: A general evaluation, by William N. Fenton.
  • 181. Isleta paintings, with introduction and commentary by Elsie Clews Parsons. Edited by Esther S. Goldfrank and with Annotated Glossary of Isleta Terms, by George L. Trager. XVI+299 pp., 142 pls. (incl. 12 pls. in color). 1962 [Reprinted, with a new Foreword, 1970.]
  • 182. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Editor, River Basin Surveys Papers, number 25. Archeology of the John H. Kerr Reservoir Basin, Roanoke River, Virginia-North Carolina, by Carl F. Miller. With appendix: Human skeletal remains from the Tollifero (He6) and Clarksville (Mc14) sites, John H. Kerr Reservoir Basin, Virginia, by Lucile E. Hoyme and William M. Bass. XVI+447 pp., 110 pls., 65 figs., 20 maps. 1962
  • 183. Seneca Thanksgiving rituals, by Wallace L. Chafe. III+302 pp. 1961
  • 184. The Pueblo of Sia, New Mexico, by Leslie A. White. XII+358 pp., 12 pls., 55 figs. 1962
  • 185. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Editor, River Basin Surveys Papers, numbers 26-32. XII+344 pp., 57 pls., 43 figs., 5 maps. 1963
No. 26. Small Sites in and about Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Garrison Reservoir, by George Metcalf.
No. 27. Star Village: A fortified historic Arikara site in Mercer County, North Dakota, by George Metcalf
No. 28. The dance hall of the Santee Bottoms on the Fort Berthold Reservation, Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota, by Donald D. Hartle.
No. 29. Crow-Flies-High (32MZ1), a historic Hidatsa viallge in the Garrison Reservoir Area, North Dakota, by Carling Malouf.
No. 30. The Stutsman Focus: An aboriginal culture complex in the Jamestown Reservoir Area, by R. P. Wheeler.
No. 31. Archeological manifestations in the Toole County section of the Tiber Reservoir Basin, Montana, by Carl F. Miller.
No. 32. Archeological salvage investigations in the Lovewell Reservoir area, Kansas, by Robert W. Neuman.
  • 186. Anthropological Papers, numbers 63-67. IV+310 pp., 60 pls., 35 figs., 2 maps. 1963
No. 63. Tarqui, an early site in Manabí Province, Ecuador, by Matthew W. and Marion Stirling.
No. 64. Blackfoot Indian pipes and pipe making, by John C. Ewers.
No. 65. The Warihio Indians of Sonora-Chihuahua: An ethnographic survey, by Howard Scott Gentry.
No. 66. The Yaqui Deer Dance: A study in cultural change, by Carleton Stafford Wilder.
No. 67. Chippewa mat-weaving techniques, by Karen Daniels Petersen.
  • 187. Iroquois music and dance: Ceremonial arts of two Seneca Longhouses, by Gertrude P. Kurath. XVI+268 pp., 3 pls., 164 figs. 1964
  • 188. Shonto: A study of the role of the trader in a modern Navaho community, by William Y. Adams. XI+329 pp., 10 pls., 3 figs., 3 maps, 12 charts. 1963
  • 189. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Editor, River Basin Surveys Papers, numbers 33-38. XIV+405, pp., 58 pls., 66 figs., 13 maps. 1964
No. 33. The Paul Brave site (32S14), Oahe Reservoir area, North Dakota, by W. Raymond Wood and Alan R. Woolworth.
No. 34. The Demery site (39CO1), Oahe Reservoir area, South Dakota, by Alan R. Woolworth and W. Raymond Wood.
No. 35. Archeological investigations at the Hosterman site (39PO7), Oahe Reservoir area, Potter County, South Dakota, 1956, by Carl F. Miller.
No. 36. Archeological investigations at the Hickey Brothers site (39LM4), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota, by Warren W. Caldwell, Lee G. Madison, and Bernard Golden.
No. 37. The Good Soldier site (39LM238), Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, South Dakota, by Robert W. Neuman.
No. 38. Archeological investigations in the Toronto Reservoir area, Kansas, by James H. Howard.
  • 190. An ethnography of the Huron Indians, 1615–1649, by Elisabeth Tooker. IV+183 pp. 1964
  • 191. Anthropological Papers, numbers 68-74. III+425 pp., 104 pls., 55 figs., 13 maps. 1964.
No. 68. The prehistory of Panamá Viejo, by Leo P. Biese
No. 69. The language of Santa Ana Pueblo, by Irvine Davis
No. 70. Observations on certain ancient tribes of the Northern Appalachian Province, by Bernard G. Hoffman
No. 71. El Limón, an early tomb site in Coclé Province, Panama, by Matthew W. and Marion Stirling
No. 72. Archeological notes on Almirante Bay, Bocas del Toro, Panama, by Matthew W. and Marion Stirling
No. 73. The archeology of Taboga, Urabá, and Taboguilla Islands, Panama, by Matthew W. and Marion Stirling
No. 74. Iroquois masks and maskmaking at Onondaga, by Jean Hendry
  • 192. Archeology of the Yakutat Bay area, Alaska, by Frederica de Laguna, Francis A. Riddell, Donald F. McGeein, Kenneth S. Lane, and J. Arthur Freed, with a chapter by Carolyn Osborne. XI+245 pp., 19 pls., 25 figs., 7 maps. 1964
  • 193. Archeological investigations in the Parita and Santa Maria zones of Panama, by John Ladd. XII+291 pp., 25 pls., 68 figs., 2 maps, 14 charts. 1964
  • 194. Hidatsa social and ceremonial organization, by Alfred W. Bowers. XII+528 pp., 12 pls., 12 figs., 5 maps, 14 charts, 4 tables. 1965
  • 195. The Ponca tribe, by James H. Howard. XII+191 pp., 24 pls., 8 figs., 1 map. 1965
  • 196. Anthropological papers, numbers 75-80. III+470 pp., 4 pls., 14 figs., 2 maps, 26 tables. 1966
No. 75. Chronicles of Wolftown: Social Documents of the North Carolina Cherokees, 1850–1862, by Anna Gritts Kilpatrick and Jack Frederick Kilpatrick.
No. 76. The Gift of Changing Woman, by Keith H. Basso.
No. 77. The Wahnenauhi Manuscript: Historical Sketches of the Cherokees, Together with Some of their Customs, Traditions, and Superstitions, edited and with an introduction by Jack Frederick Kilpatrick.
No. 78. The „Principal People,“ 1960: A Study of Cultural and Social Groups of the Eastern Cherokee, by Harriet Jane Kupferer.
No. 79. The Ramah Navaho, by Clyde Kluckhohn.
No. 80. Eastern Cherokee Folktales: Reconstructed from the Field Notes of Frans M. Olbrechts, by Jack Frederick Kilpatrick and Anna Gritts Kilpatrick.
  • 197. An analysis of sources of information on the population of the Navaho, by Denis Foster Johnston. V+220 pp., 7 maps, 36 tables. 1966.
  • 198. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, River Basin Surveys Papers, Robert L. Stephenson, editor. XIV+232 pp., 17 figs., 9 pls., 20 maps, 15 tables. 1967
No. 39. An interpretation of Mandan culture history, by W. Raymond Wood.
  • 199. The ethnoarcheology of Crow Village, Alaska, by Wendell H. Oswalt and James W. VanStone. VIII+136 figs., 16 pls., 1 map. 1967
  • 200. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, with index to authors and titles.

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