Ismaili Texts and Translations Series

Ismaili Texts and Translations Series („Ismailitische Texte und Übersetzungen, Buchreihe“) ist eine seit dem Jahr 2000 erscheinende Buchreihe, die durch die jüngsten Fortschritte in der Ismailismus-Forschung anhand neuerschlossener und neuentdeckter ismailitischer Texte initiiert wurde. Sie wird vom Institute of Ismaili Studies in London herausgegeben. Eine große Anzahl dieser Texte sind auf Arabisch, Persisch und in indischen Sprachen geschrieben und werden in den Sammlungen der Bibliothek des Institute of Ismaili Studies aufbewahrt. In der Buchreihe erscheinen kritische Editionen zusammen mit englischen Übersetzungen und thematischen Einführungen, die für weitere Forschungen in diesem Bereich von Bedeutung sind.[1] Die Reihe liefert wichtige Einblicke in die Geschichte der Fatimiden.

Bisher umfasst die Reihe neunzehn Bände.

  • 1. Ibn al-Haytham. 'The Advent of the Fatimids: A Contemporary Shi‘i Witness'. Arabic edition and English translation of Kitab al-Munazarat by Wilferd Madelung and Paul E. Walker.
  • 2. Al-Shahrastani, Muhammad. 'Struggling with the Philosopher: A Refutation of Ibn Sina’s Metaphysics'. A new Arabic edition and English translation of Kitab al-Musara‘a by Wilferd Madelung and Toby Mayer.
  • 3. Al-Yaman, Ja‘far b. Mansur. 'The Master and the Disciple: An Early Islamic Spiritual Dialogue'. Arabic edition and English translation of Kitab al-‘Alim wa’l Ghulam by James W. Morris.
  • 4. Al-Din, Idris ‘Imad. 'The Fatimids and their Successors: The History of an Islamic Community'. Arabic edition and translation of the final volume of ‘Uyun al-Akhbar by Ayman Fouad Sayyid with an introduction by Paul E. Walker.
  • 5. Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din. 'The Paradise of Submission.' A new Persian edition and English translation of the Rawda-yi Taslim by S. J. Badakhchani.
  • 6. Al-Qadi al-Nu‘man. 'Founding the Fatimid State: The Rise of an Early Islamic Empire'. An English translation of Iftitah al-da‘wa (Commencement of the Mission) by Hamid Haji.
  • 7. Idris Imad al-Din b. al-Hasan. ' ‘Uyun al-akhbar wa-funun al-athar'. An Arabic critical edition in seven volumes, by Ahmad Chleilat, Mahmoud Fakhoury, Yousef S. Fattoum, Ma'moun al-Sagherji and Ayman Fu'ad Sayyid.
  • 8. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Naysaburi. 'Degrees of Excellence: A Fatimid Treatise on Leadership in Islam'. A new Arabic Edition and English Translation of al-Naysaburi's Ithbat al-imama by Arzina R. Lalani.
  • 9. Hamid al-Din Ahmad b. 'Abd Allah al-Kirmani. 'Master of the Age: An Islamic Treatise on the Necessity of the Imamate'. A Critical Edition of the Arabic text and English Translation of al-Kirmani's al-Masabih fi ithbat al-imama by Paul E. Walker.
  • 10. 'Orations of the Fatimid Caliphs: Festival Sermons of the Ismaili Imams'. An Edition of the Arabic Texts and English Translation of Khutbas by the Fatimids by Paul E. Walker.
  • 11. Taqi al-Din Ahmad b. 'Ali al-Maqrizi. 'Towards a Shi'i Mediterranean Empire: Fatimid Egypt and the Founding of Cairo'. The reign of the Imam-caliph al-Mu'izz from al-Maqrizi's Itti'az al-hunafa' bi-akhbar al-ai'mma al-Fatimiyyin al-khulafa by Shainool Jiwa.
  • 12. Taqi al-Din Ahmad b. 'Ali al-Maqrizi. 'Itti'az al-hunafa' bi-akhbar al-ai'mma al-Fatimiyyin al-khulafa'. Lessons for the Seekers of Truth on the History of the Fatimid Imams and Caliphs by Professor Aiman Fuʾād Saiyid.
  • 13. Nasir al-Din Tusi 'Shi‘i Interpretations of Islam: Three Treatises on Islamic Theology and Eschatology Shi‘i Interpretations of Islam: Three Treatises on Islamic Theology and Eschatology'. Persian critical edition and English translation of Tawalla wa tabarra, Matlub al-Mu'minin and Aghaz wa anjam by Dr Sayyad Jalal Badakhchani
  • 14. Mount of Knowledge, Sword of Eloquence: Collected Poems of an Ismaili Muslim scholar in Fatimid Egypt '. A translation from the original Arabic of al-Mu'ayyad al-Shirazi's Diwan by Mohamad Adra
  • 15. A Code of Conduct: A Treatise on the Etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili Mission. A critical edition of the Arabic text and English translation of Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Naysaburi's al-Risala al-mujaza al-kafiya fi adab al-du'at. Edited and Translated by Verena Klemm and Paul E. Walker
  • 16. Inside The Immaculate Portal: A History from Early Fatimid Archives. A new edition and English translation of Mansur al-Azizi al-Jawdhari's biography of al-Ustadh Jawdhar, the Sirat al-Ustadh Jawdhar. Edited and Translated by Hamid Haji
  • 17. Between Reason and Revelation: Twin Wisdoms Reconciled. This is the first English translation of the final philosophical work of the great eleventh-century Ismaili thinker, poet, and Fatimid emissary, Nasir-i Khusraw. Edited and Translated by Professor Eric Ormsby
  • 18. The Early History of Ismaili Jurisprudence: Law Under the Fatimids. A critical edition of the arabic text and english translation of al-Qadial-Nu'man's Minhaj al-fara’id. Edited and Translated by Professor Agostino Cilardo
  • 19. Tuhfat al-qulub: The Precious Gift of the Hearts and Good Cheer for Those in Distress. A critical edition of the Arabic text and summary English translation of Risalat Tuhfat al-qulub. Edited and Translated by Professor Abbas Hamdani.

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