Games Magazine

Das Games Magazine (eigene Schreibweise: GAMES) ist ein US-amerikanisches Magazin, welches sich mit Spielen und Puzzles beschäftigt. Die Zeitschrift wird von der „Games Publications“ einer Abteilung der Kappa Publishing Group veröffentlicht.

Games 100

In der Dezemberausgabe des Games Magazines wird jedes Jahr eine Liste der besten Spiele veröffentlicht. Neben dem Game of the Year und einigen weiteren Preisen in verschiedenen Kategorien werden insgesamt 100 Spiele (Games 100) vorgestellt. Bis 1994 gab es ein Game of the Year, ab 1995 wurde zwischen traditionellen Spielen und Computerspielen unterschieden. Seit 1996 wird in der Dezemberausgabe das Game of the Year des folgenden Jahres gekürt.

Hauptpreisträger Gesellschaftsspiele

1991Game of the YearTrumpetPhilip OrbanesInternational Games
1992Game of the YearPipelineEd OkimuraPlayco Hawaii
1993Game of the YearInklingsMattel
1995Game of the Year (Traditional)Sharp ShootersMilton Bradley
1997Game of the Year (Traditional)25 Words or LessBruce StertenWinning Moves
1998Game of the Year (Traditional)QuoridorMirko MarchesiGreat American Trading Co.
1999Game of the Year (Traditional)FossilKlaus PaleschRio Grande Games
2000Game of the Year (Traditional)TorresWolfgang Kramer, Michael KieslingRio Grande Games
2001Game of the Year (Traditional)Aladdin’s Dragons (Morgenland)Richard BreeseRio Grande Games
2002Game of the Year (Traditional)EvoPhilippe KeyaertsEurogames-Descartes
2003Game of the Year (Traditional)DvonnKris BurmRio Grande Games
2004Game of the Year (Traditional)New EnglandAlan R. Moon, Aaron WeissblumÜberplay
2005Game of the Year (Traditional)BuyWordSid SacksonFace2Face Games
2006Game of the Year (Traditional)AustraliaWolfgang Kramer, Michael KieslingRio Grande Games
2007Game of the Year (Traditional)Vegas ShowdownHenry SternAvalon Hill
2008Game of the Year (Traditional)Pillars of the Earth (Die Säulen der Erde)Michael Rieneck, Stefan StadlerMayfair Games
2009Game of the Year (Traditional)TzaarKris BurmRio Grande Games
2010Game of the Year (Traditional)Small WorldPhilippe KeyaertsDays of Wonder
2011Game of the Year (Traditional)Jump GateMatt WordenMatt Worden Games
2012Game of the Year (Traditional)Tikal IIWolfgang Kramer, Michael KieslingAsmodée Editions
2012Game of the Year (Traditional)Tikal IIWolfgang Kramer, Michael KieslingAsmodée Editions
2013Game of the Year (Traditional)TrajanStefan FeldHUCH!
2014Game of the Year (Traditional)Garden DiceDoug BassMeridae Games
2015Game of the Year (Traditional)Castles of Mad King LudwigTed AlspachBézier Games
2016Game of the Year (Traditional)New York 1901Chénier La SalleBlue Orange Games
2017Game of the Year (Traditional)KingdominoBruno CathalaBlue Orange Games

Hauptpreisträger Computerspiele

1994Game of the YearMystBrøderbund
1995Game of the Year (Electronic)Virtual PoolInterplay
1997Game of the Year (Electronic)Links LSAccess
1998Game of the Year (Electronic)ObsidianSegaSoft/Rocket Science
1999Game of the Year (Electronic)Oddworld: Abe’s OddyseeGT Interactive
2000Game of the Year (Electronic, Computer)Half-LifeSierra Studios
2000Game of the Year (Electronic, Console)The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeNintendo
2001Game of the Year (Electronic)Die SimsMaxis/EA, Aspyr
2002Game of the Year (Electronic)Black & WhiteElectronic Arts
2003Game of the Year (Electronic)Neverwinter NightsAtari
2004Game of the Year (Electronic)The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerNintendo
2005Game of the Year (Electronic)City of HeroesNC Soft
2006Game of the Year (Electronic)PsychonautsMajesco
2007Game of the Year (Electronic)The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionBethesda Softworks
2008Game of the Year (Electronic)BioShock2K/Irrational
2009Game of the Year (Electronic)SporeMaxis/EA Games
2010Game of the Year (Electronic)Batman: Arkham AsylumEidos
2011Game of the Year (Electronic)Super Mario Galaxy 2Nintendo
2012Game of the Year (Electronic)Portal 2Valve, Electronic Arts
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