East Derwent Highway

Der East Derwent Highway ist eine Stadtautobahn im Süden des australischen Bundesstaates Tasmanien. Sie verbindet auf dem Ostufer des Derwent River den Tasman Highway (A3) und die östlichen Stadtteile von Hobart mit Bridgewater und dem Midland Highway (N1). Wie der Brooker Highway auf der anderen Flussseite dient auch der East Derwent Highway dem Berufsverkehr.

Vorlage:Infobox mehrere hochrangige Straßen/Wartung/AU-AB
Eastern Derwent Highway
Route B32
Betreiber: DIER
Straßenbeginn: AA3 Tasman Highway
(42° 51′ 40″ S, 147° 21′ 20″ O)
Straßenende: N1 Midland Highway (Tasmanien)
(42° 43′ 58″ S, 147° 14′ 13″ O)
Gesamtlänge: 22 km



East Derwent Highway bei Geilston Bay


Die Fernstraße beginnt an der Kreuzung Lindisfarne an der Ostrampe der Tasman Bridge und führt durch die Vorstadt Lindisfarne nach Norden, vorbei am historischen Risdon Cove. Kurz danach zweigt die Goodwood Road (B35), die auf der Bowen Bridge den Derwent River nach Glenorchy überquert. Dann folgt der East Derwent Highway dem Flussufer, vorbei am Mount Direction durch die Siedlungen Otago, Old Beach und Gagebrook. Nördlich von Bridgewater trifft sie auf den Midland Highway.

Ein- und Ausfahrten

East Derwent Highway (B32)
Southbound interchanges Entfernung vom
Tasman Highway
Entfernung zum
Midland Highway
Ein- und Ausfahrten Richtung Norden
End East Derwent Highway (B32)
zum Tasman Highway (A3)
nach Hobart
0 22,3 Start East Derwent Highway (B32)
vom Tasman Highway (A3)
Tasman Highway (A3) (nur Ausfahrt)
Tasman Highway (A3) (nur Einfahrt) At Grade Intersection
keine Einfahrt 0,2 22,1 Rose Bay
Yolla Street
Rose Bay
Lenna Street (Ost) At Grade Intersection
0,4 21,9 Rose Bay
Lenna Street (West) At Grade Intersection
Rose Bay
Ronnie Street Controlled Intersection
0,6 21,7 Rose Bay
Ronnie Street Controlled Intersection
Sunnyside Road,
Ballawinnie Road
(Ost) At Grade Intersection
0,9-1,4 21,4-20,9 Lindisfarne
Shore Street,
Ballawinnie Road
(West) At Grade Intersection
Nietta Road High Speed Intersection
1,5 20,8 Lindisfarne
Nietta Road High Speed Intersection
keine Einfahrt 1,8 20,5 Lindisfarne
Beach Road At Grade Intersection
Lindisfarne, Rosny Park
Gordons Hill Road Controlled Intersection
1,8 20,5 Lindisfarne, Rosny Park
Gordons Hill Road Controlled Intersection
Boatta Road, Bay Road At Grade Intersection
2,0-2,1 20,3-20,2 Lindisfarne
Boatta Road, Bay Road At Grade Intersection
Lincoln Street Controlled Intersection
2,2 20,1 Lindisfarne
Lincoln Street Controlled Intersection
Derwent Avenue (Ost) At Grade Intersection
2,4-2,5 19,9-19,8 Lindisfarne
Derwent Avenue (West),
Raminea Road
(nur Ausfahrt) At Grade Intersection
Lowanna Road (Ost) At Grade Intersection
2,8 19,5 Lindisfarne
Lowanna Road (West) At Grade Intersection
Lowanna Road (Ost) At Grade Intersection
Clunie Close, Broad Street At Grade Intersection
2,9-3,0 19,4-19,3 Lindisfarne
Clunie Close, Broad Street At Grade Intersection
Geilston Bay
Derwent Avenue Controlled Intersection
3,2 19,1 Geilston Bay
Derwent Avenue Controlled Intersection
Geilston Bay
Golf Links Road Controlled Intersection
Geilston Bay
Golf Links Road Controlled Intersection
Geilston Bay
Araluen Street At Grade Intersection
3,5 18,8 Geilston Bay
Araluen Street At Grade Intersection
Geilston Bay
Geilston Bay Road High Speed Intersection
3.7 18.6 Geilston Bay
Geilston Bay Road High Speed Intersection
Geilston Bay
Clinton Road High Speed Intersection
Geilston Bay
Clinton Road High Speed Intersection
Risdon Vale
Sugarloaf Road At Grade Intersection
4,6 17,7 Risdon Vale
Sugarloaf Road At Grade Intersection
Richmond, Risdon Vale
Grasstree Hill Road (C324) Roundabout
6,5 15,8 Richmond, Risdon Vale
Grasstree Hill Road (C324) Roundabout
Saundersons Road At Grade Intersection
8,1 14,2 Risdon
Saundersons Road At Grade Intersection
Goodwood Road (B35) At Grade Intersection
8,8 13,5 Glenorchy
Goodwood Road (B35) At Grade Intersection
Otago Bay
Direction Drive, Otago Bay Road At Grade Intersection
9,5-9,9 12,8-12,4 Otago Bay
Direction Drive, Otago Bay Road At Grade Intersection
Otago Bay
Otago Bay Road, Kandos Drive At Grade Intersection
11,9-12,0 10,4-10,3 Otago Bay
Otago Bay Road, Kandos Drive At Grade Intersection
Baskerville Road (C327) At Grade Intersection
14,6 7,7 Brighton
Baskerville Road (C327) At Grade Intersection
Old Beach
Fouche Avenue Roundabout
15,0 7,3 Old Beach
Fouche Avenue Roundabout
Old Beach
Clives Avenue Roundabout
Old Beach
Clives Avenue Roundabout
Old Beach
Jetty Road, Jetty Road At Grade Intersection
15,5-16,2 6,8-6,1 Old Beach
Jetty Road, Jetty Road At Grade Intersection
Old Beach, Brighton
Old Beach Road (C326) At Grade Intersection
16,4 5,9 Old Beach, Brighton
Old Beach Road (C326) At Grade Intersection
Old Beach
Compton Road, Riviera Drive,
Stanfield Drive
At Grade Intersection
16,7-17,7 5,6-4,6 Old Beach
Compton Road, Riviera Drive,
Stanfield Drive
At Grade Intersection
Lamprill Circle Roundabout
18,6 3,7 Gagebrook
Lamprill Circle Roundabout
Gage Road Roundabout
Gage Road Roundabout
Lamprill Circle (exit only) At Grade Intersection
19,5 2,8 Gagebrook
Lamprill Circle At Grade Intersection
Green Point
Scott Road Roundabout
21,3 1,0 Green Point
Scott Road Roundabout
Paice Street Roundabout
Paice Street Roundabout
Cove Hill Road (C326) At Grade Intersection
22,0 0,3 Bridgewater
Cove Hill Road (C326) At Grade Intersection
Green Point
Gunn Street At Grade Intersection
22,1 0,2 Green Point
Gunn Street At Grade Intersection
Glenorchy, Hobart
Midland Highway Roundabout
22,3 0 Glenorchy, Hobart
Midland Highway Roundabout
Start East Derwent Highway (B32)
vom Midland Highway (1)
Ende East Derwent Highway (B32)
zum Midland Highway (1)
nach Brighton, Launceston

Bemerkung: einige untergeordnete Straßen wurden ausgelassen.


  • Steve Parish: Australian Touring Atlas. Steve Parish Publishing, Archerfield QLD 2007, ISBN 978-1-74193-232-4, S. 56 (englisch).
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