British Academy Film Award/Bester Ton

Der British Academy Film Award: Bester Ton (Best Sound) wird seit 1969 verliehen.

Die unten aufgeführten Filme werden mit ihrem deutschen Verleihtitel (sofern ermittelbar) angegeben, danach folgt in Klammern in kursiver Schrift der fremdsprachige Originaltitel. Die Nennung des Originaltitels entfällt, wenn deutscher und fremdsprachiger Filmtitel identisch sind. Die Gewinner stehen hervorgehoben an erster Stelle.



Winston Ryder2001: Odyssee im Weltraum (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Simon Kaye – Der Angriff der leichten Brigade (The Charge of the Light Brigade)
Chris Greenham – Der Löwe im Winter (The Lion in Winter)
John Cox, Bob Jones – Oliver
Jirí Pavlik – Liebe nach Fahrplan (Ostře Sledované Vlaky)



Don Challis, Simon KayeOh! What a Lovely War

Teddy Mason, Jim Shields – Luftschlacht um England (Battle of Britain)
Ed Scheid – Bullitt
Terry RawlingsIsadora
Terry RawlingsWomen in Love


Don Hall, David Dockendorf, William EdmondsonZwei Banditen (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)

Don Hall, David Dockendorf, Bernard Freericks – MASH
Don Hall, Douglas O. Williams, Don J. BassmanPatton – Rebell in Uniform (Patton)
Winston Ryder, Gordon K. McCallum – Ryans Tochter (Ryan’s Daughter)


Vittorio Trentino, Giuseppe MuratoriTod in Venedig (Morte a Venezia)

Les Wiggins, David Hildyard, Gordon K. McCallum – Anatevka (Fiddler on the Roof)
Garth Craven, Peter Handford, Hugh Strain – Der Mittler (The Go-Between)
David Campling, Simon Kaye, Gerry HumphreysSunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday Bloody Sunday)


David Hildyard, Robert Knudson, Arthur PiantadosiCabaret

Brian Blamey, John Jordan, Bill RoweUhrwerk Orange (A Clockwork Orange)
Jim Atkinson, Walter Goss, Doug E. TurnerBeim Sterben ist jeder der Erste (Deliverance)
Christopher Newman, Theodore SoderbergBrennpunkt Brooklyn (The French Connection)


Les Wiggins, Gordon K. McCallum, Keith GrantJesus Christ Superstar

Guy Villette, Luis BuñuelDer diskrete Charme der Bourgeoisie (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie)
Nicholas Stevenson, Bob Allen – Der Schakal (The Day of the Jackal)
Rodney Holland, Peter Daviesn Bob Jones – Wenn die Gondeln Trauer tragen (Don’t Look Now)


Art Rochester, Nathan Boxer, Michael Evje, Walter MurchDer Dialog (The Conversation)

Melvin M. Metcalfe Sr., Ronald PierceErdbeben (Earthquake)
Christopher Newman, Jean-Louis Ducarme, Robert Knudson, Fred J. Brown, Bob Fine, Ross Taylor, Ron Nagel, Doc Siegel, Gonzalo Gavira, Hal LandakerDer Exorzist (The Exorcist)
Alan Soames, Rydal Love, Michael Crouch, John W. Mitchell, Gordon K. McCallum – Gold


William A. Sawyer, James E. Webb, Chris McLaughlin, Richard PortmanNashville

Jack Fitzstephens, Richard P. Cirincione, Sanford Rackow, Stephen A. Rotter, James Sabat, Dick VorisekHundstage (Dog Day Afternoon)
John R. Carter, Robert L. Hoyt – Der weiße Hai (Jaws)
Les Wiggins, Archie Ludski, Derek Ball, Gordon K. McCallum – Rollerball


Les Wiggins, Clive Winter, Ken BarkerBugsy Malone

Milton C. Burrow, James E. Webb, Les Fresholtz, Arthur Piantadosi, Rick AlexanderDie Unbestechlichen (All the President’s Men)
Mary McGlone, Robert R. Rutledge, Veronica Selver, Larry Jost, Mark Berger – Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)
Greg Bell, Don ConnollyPicknick am Valentinstag (Picnic at Hanging Rock)


Peter Horrocks, Gerry Humphreys, Simon Kaye, Robin O’Donoghue, Les WigginsDie Brücke von Arnheim (A Bridge Too Far)

Jack Fitzstephens, Marc Laub, Sanford Rackow, James Sabat, Dick Vorisek – Network
Kay Rose, Michael Colgan, James Fritch, Larry Jost, Richard PortmanNew York, New York
Robert J. Glass, Robert Knudson, Marvin I. Kosberg, Tom Overton, Josef von Stroheim, Dan Wallin – A Star Is Born


Sam F. Shaw, Robert R. Rutledge, Gordon Davidson, Gene Corso, Derek Ball, Don MacDougall, Bob Minkler, Ray West, Michael Minkler, Les Fresholtz, Richard Portman, Ben BurttKrieg der Sterne (Star Wars)

Gene S. Cantamessa, Robert Knudson, Don MacDougall, Robert J. Glass, Stephen Katz, Frank E. Warner, Richard Oswald, David M. Horton, Sam Gemette, Gary S. Gerlich, Chester Slomka, Neil BurrowUnheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
Michael Colgan, Les Lazarowitz, John Wilkinson, Robert W. Glass junior, John T. ReitzNur Samstag Nacht (Saturday Night Fever)
Chris Greenham, Gordon K. McCallum, Peter Pennell, Mike Hopkins, Pat Foster, Stan Fiferman, John Foster, Roy Charman, Norman Bolland, Brian Marshall, Charles Schmitz, Richard Raguse, Chris LargeSuperman



Derrick Leather, Jim Shields, Bill RoweAlien – Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt (Alien)

James Sabat, Dan Sable, Jack Higgins – Manhattan
Nathan Boxer, Richard P. Cirincione, Walter MurchApocalypse Now
C. Darin Knight, James J. Klinger, Richard Portman – Die durch die Hölle gehen (The Deer Hunter)


Christopher Newman, Les Wiggins, Michael J. KohutFame – Der Weg zum Ruhm (Fame)

Maurice Schell, Christopher Newman, Dick VorisekHinter dem Rampenlicht (All That Jazz)
Jean-Louis Ducarme, Jacques Maumont, Michelle NennyDon Giovanni
James E. Webb, Chris McLaughlin, Kay Rose, Theodore SoderbergThe Rose
Peter Sutton, Ben Burtt, Bill Varney – Das Imperium schlägt zurück (Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)


Don Sharpe, Ivan Sharrock, Bill RoweDie Geliebte des französischen Leutnants (The French Lieutenant’s Woman)

Clive Winter, Bill Rowe, Jim ShieldsDie Stunde des Siegers (Chariots of Fire)
Gordon Ecker, James R. Alexander, Richard Portman, Roger Heman junior – Nashville Lady (Coal Miner’s Daughter)
Roy Charman, Ben Burtt, Bill VarneyJäger des verlorenen Schatzes (Raiders of the Lost Ark)


James Guthrie, Eddy Joseph, Clive Winter, Graham V. Hartstone, Nicolas Le MessurierThe Wall (Pink Floyd The Wall)

Peter Pennell, Bud Alper, Graham V. Hartstone, Gerry HumphreysBlade Runner
Charles L. Campbell, Gene S. Cantamessa, Robert Knudson, Robert J. Glass, Don Digirolamo – E.T. – Der Außerirdische (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial)
Jonathan Bates, Simon Kaye, Gerry Humphreys, Robin O’Donoghue – Gandhi


Willie D. Burton, Michael J. Kohut, William L. MangerWarGames – Kriegsspiele (WarGames)

James E. Webb, Robert Knudson, Robert J. Glass, Don Digirolamo – Flashdance
Ben Burtt, Tony Dawe, Gary SummersDie Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)
Cesare D’Amico, Jean-Louis Ducarme, Claude Villand, Federico Savina – La Traviata


Ian Fuller, Clive Winter, Bill RoweThe Killing Fields – Schreiendes Land (The Killing Fields)

Carlos Faruolo, Alfonso Marcos, Antonio Illán – Carmen
Ivan Sharrock, Gordon K. McCallum, Les Wiggins, Roy Baker – Greystoke – Die Legende von Tarzan, Herr der Affen (Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes)
Ben Burtt, Simon Kaye, Laurel Ladevich – Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)


John Nutt, Christopher Newman, Mark BergerAmadeus

Hugues Darmois, Harald Maury, Dominique Hennequin, Bernard Leroux – Carmen
Jonathan Bates, Christopher Newman, Gerry HumphreysA Chorus Line
Edward Beyer, Jack C. Jacobsen, David Carroll – Cotton Club (The Cotton Club)


Tom McCarthy Jr., Peter Handford, Chris JenkinsJenseits von Afrika (Out of Africa)

Don Sharpe, Roy Charman, Graham V. Hartstone – Aliens – Die Rückkehr (Aliens)
Ian Fuller, Bill Rowe, Clive Winter – Mission (The Mission)
Tony Lenny, Ray Beckett, Richard King – Zimmer mit Aussicht (A Room with a View)


Jonathan Bates, Simon Kaye, Gerry HumphreysSchrei nach Freiheit (Cry Freedom)

Nigel Galt, Edward Tise, Andy NelsonFull Metal Jacket
Ron Davis, Peter Handford, John Hayward – Hope and Glory
Robert Hein, James Sabat, Lee Dichter – Radio Days


Charles L. Campbell, Louis L. Edemann, Robert Knudson, Tony DaweDas Reich der Sonne (Empire of the Sun)

Alan Robert Murray, Robert G. Henderson, Willie D. Burton, Les FresholtzBird
Bill Phillips, Clive Winter, Terry PorterGood Morning, Vietnam
Ivan Sharrock, Bill Rowe, Les WigginsDer letzte Kaiser (The Last Emperor)



Bill Phillips, Danny Michael, Robert J. Litt, Elliot Tyson, Rick KlineMississippi Burning – Die Wurzel des Hasses (Mississippi Burning)

Don Sharpe, Tony Dawe, Bill RoweBatman
Campbell Askew, David Crozier, Robin O’Donoghue – Henry V. (Henry V)
Richard Hymns, Tony Dawe, Ben Burtt, Gary Summers, Shawn Murphy – Indiana Jones und der letzte Kreuzzug (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)


J. Paul Huntsman, Stephan von Hase, Chris Jenkins, Gary Alexander, Doug HemphillDie fabelhaften Baker Boys (The Fabulous Baker Boys)

Dennis Drummond, Thomas Causey, Chris Jenkins, David E. Campbell, Doug Hemphill – Dick Tracy
Cecilia Häll, George Watters II, Richard Bryce Goodman, Don J. BassmanJagd auf Roter Oktober (The Hunt for Red October)
Randy Thom, Richard Hymns, Jon Huck, David ParkerWild at Heart – Die Geschichte von Sailor und Lula (Wild at Heart)


Lee Orloff, Tom Johnson, Gary Rydstrom, Gary SummersTerminator 2 – Tag der Abrechnung (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

Clive Winter, Eddy Joseph, Andy Nelson, Tom Perry, Steve PedersonDie Commitments (The Commitments)
Jeffrey Perkins, Bill W. Benton, Gregory H. Watkins, Russell Williams IIDer mit dem Wolf tanzt (Dances with Wolves)
Skip Lievsay, Christopher Newman, Tom FleischmanDas Schweigen der Lämmer (The Silence of the Lambs)


Tod A. Maitland, Wylie Stateman, Michael D. Wilhoit, Michael Minkler, Gregg LandakerJFK – Tatort Dallas (JFK)

Simon Kaye, Lon Bender, Larry Kemp, Paul Massey, Doug Hemphill, Mark Smith, Chris JenkinsDer letzte Mohikaner (The Last of the Mohicans)
Antony Gray, Ben Osmo, Roger Savage, Ian McLoughlin, Phil JuddStrictly Ballroom – Die gegen alle Regeln tanzen (Strictly Ballroom)
Alan Robert Murray, Walter Newman, Rob Young, Les Fresholtz, Vern Poore, Rick AlexanderErbarmungslos (Unforgiven)


John Leveque, Bruce Stambler, Becky Sullivan, Scott D. Smith, Donald O. Mitchell, Michael Herbick, Frank A. MontañoAuf der Flucht (The Fugitive)

Richard Hymns, Ron Judkins, Gary Summers, Gary Rydstrom, Shawn Murphy – Jurassic Park
Lee Smith, Tony Johnson, Gethin Creagh – Das Piano (The Piano)
Charles L. Campbell, Louis L. Edemann, Robert Jackson, Ron Judkins, Andy Nelson, Steve Pederson, Scott Millan – Schindlers Liste (Schindler’s List)


Stephen Hunter Flick, Gregg Landaker, Steve Maslow, Bob Beemer, David MacMillanSpeed

Glenn Freemantle, Chris Munro, Robin O’DonoghueBackbeat
Terry Porter, Mel Metcalfe, David J. Hudson, Doc Kane – Der König der Löwen (The Lion King)
Stephen Hunter Flick, Ken King, Rick Ash, Dean A. Zupancic – Pulp Fiction


Per Hallberg, Lon Bender, Brian Simmons, Andy Nelson, Scott Millan, Anna BehlmerBraveheart

David MacMillan, Rick Dior, Scott Millan, Steve PedersonApollo 13
Jim Shields, David John, Graham V. Hartstone, John Hayward, Michael A. Carter – James Bond 007 – GoldenEye (GoldenEye)
Christopher Ackland, David Crozier, Robin O’Donoghue – King George – Ein Königreich für mehr Verstand (The Madness of King George)


Jim Greenhorn, Toivo Lember, Livia Ruzic, Roger Savage, Gareth VanderhopeShine – Der Weg ins Licht (Shine)

Mark Berger, Pat Jackson, Walter Murch, Christopher Newman, David Parker, Ivan Sharrock – Der englische Patient (The English Patient)
Anna Behlmer, Eddy Joseph, Andy Nelson, Ken Weston, Nigel WrightEvita
Bob Beemer, Bill W. Benton, Chris Carpenter, Sandy Gendler, Val Kuklowsky, Jeff Wexler – Independence Day


Terry Rodman, Roland N. Thai, Kirk Francis, Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, John LevequeL.A. Confidential

Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson, Gary Summers, Mark Ulano – Titanic
Alistair Crocker, Adrian Rhodes, Ian WilsonGanz oder gar nicht (The Full Monty)
Gareth Vanderhope, Rob Young, Roger SavageWilliam Shakespeares Romeo + Julia (Romeo + Juliet)


Gary Rydstrom, Ron Judkins, Gary Summers, Andy Nelson, Richard HymnsDer Soldat James Ryan (Saving Private Ryan)

Nigel Heath, Julian Slater, David Crozier, Ray Merrin, Graham Daniel – Hilary & Jackie (Hilary and Jackie)
Peter Lindsay, Rodney Glenn, Ray Merrin, Graham Daniel – Little Voice
Peter Glossop, John Downer, Robin O’Donoghue, Dominic Lester – Shakespeare in Love



David Lee, John T. Reitz, Gregg Rudloff, David E. Campbell, Dane A. DavisMatrix (The Matrix)

Scott Martin Gershin, Scott Millan, Bob Beemer, Richard Van Dyke – American Beauty
Ben Burtt, Tom Bellfort, John Midgley, Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson, Shawn Murphy – Star Wars: Episode I – Die dunkle Bedrohung (Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace)
Martin Müller, Jerry Boys – Buena Vista Social Club


Jeff Wexler, Doug Hemphill, Rick Kline, Paul Massey, Michael D. WilhoitAlmost Famous – Fast berühmt (Almost Famous)

Mark Holding, Mike Prestwood Smith, Zane Hayward – Billy Elliot – I Will Dance (Billy Elliot)
Ken Weston, Scott Millan, Bob Beemer, Per Hallberg – Gladiator
Keith A. Wester, John T. Reitz, Gregg Rudloff, David E. Campbell, Wylie Stateman, Kelly Cabral – Der Sturm (The Perfect Storm)
Drew Kunin, Reilly Steele, Eugene Gearty, Robert Fernandez – Tiger and Dragon (Wòhǔ Cánglóng)


Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Roger Savage, Guntis Sics, Gareth Vanderhope, Antony GrayMoulin Rouge

Chris Munro, Per Hallberg, Michael Minkler, Myron Nettinga, Karen M. Baker – Black Hawk Down
John Midgley, Eddy Joseph, Ray Merrin, Graham Daniel, Adam Daniel – Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)
David Farmer, Hammond Peek, Christopher Boyes, Gethin Creagh, Michael Semanick, Ethan Van der Ryn, Mike HopkinsDer Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Wylie Stateman, Lon Bender – Shrek – Der tollkühne Held (Shrek)


Michael Minkler, Dominick Tavella, David Lee, Maurice SchellChicago

Tom Fleischman, Ivan Sharrock, Eugene Gearty, Philip StocktonGangs of New York
Randy Thom, Dennis Leonard, John Midgley, Ray Merrin, Graham Daniel, Rick KlineHarry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (Film) (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
Ethan Van der Ryn, David Farmer, Mike Hopkins, Hammond Peek, Christopher Boyes, Michael Semanick, Michael HedgesDer Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme (Film) (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
Jean-Marie Blondel, Dean Humphreys, Gérard Hardy – Der Pianist (The Pianist)


Richard King, Doug Hemphill, Paul Massey, Art RochesterMaster & Commander – Bis ans Ende der Welt (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)

Eddy Joseph, Ivan Sharrock, Walter Murch, Mike Prestwood, Smith Matthew Gough – Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain (Cold Mountain)
Michael Minkler, Myron Nettinga, Wylie Stateman, Mark Ulano – Kill Bill – Volume 1 (Kill Bill: Vol. 1)
Ethan Van der Ryn, Mike Hopkins, David Farmer, Christopher Boyes, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick, Hammond Peek – Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
Christopher Boyes, George Watters II, Lee Orloff, David Parker, David E. CampbellFluch der Karibik (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl)


Karen M. Baker, Per Hallberg, Steve Cantamessa, Scott Millan, Greg Orloff, Bob BeemerRay

Philip Stockton, Eugene Gearty, Petur Hliddal, Tom FleischmanAviator (The Aviator)
Elliott Koretz, Lee Orloff, Michael Minkler, Myron NettingaCollateral
Jing Tao, Roger Savage – House of Flying Daggers (Shí Miàn Mái Fú)
Paul N.J. Ottosson, Kevin O’Connell, Greg P. Russell, Jeffrey J. Haboush – Spider-Man 2


Paul Massey, Doug Hemphill, Peter F. Kurland, Donald SylvesterWalk the Line

David Evans, Stefan Henrix, Peter Lindsa – Batman Begins
Joakim Sundström, Stuart Wilson, Mike Prestwood, Smith Sven Taits – Der ewige Gärtner (The Constant Gardener)
Richard Van Dyke, Sandy Gendler, Adam Jenkins, Marc Fishman – L.A. Crash (Crash)
Hammond Peek, Christopher Boyes, Mike Hopkins, Ethan Van der Ryn – King Kong


Chris Munro, Eddy Joseph, Mike Prestwood Smith, Martin Cantwell, Mark TaylorJames Bond 007: Casino Royale

José Antonio García, Jon Taylor, Christian P. Minkler, Martín Hernández – Babel
Martín Hernández, Jaime Baksht, Miguel Ángel Polo – Pans Labyrinth (El laberinto del Fauno)
Christopher Boyes, George Watters II, Paul Massey, Lee OrloffPirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest)
Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood Smith, Doug Cooper, Oliver Tarney, Eddy Joseph – Flug 93 (United 93)


Kirk Francis, Scott Millan, Dave Parker, Karen Baker Landers, Per HallbergDas Bourne Ultimatum (The Bourne Ultimatum)

Danny Hambrook, Paul Hamblin, Catherine Hodgson – Abbitte (Atonement)
Peter F. Kurland, Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff – No Country for Old Men
Christopher Scarabosio, Matthew Wood, John Pritchett, Michael Semanick, Tom JohnsonThere Will Be Blood
Laurent Zeilig, Pascal Villard, Jean-Paul Hurier, Marc Doisne – La vie en rose (La môme)


Glenn Freemantle, Resul Pookutty, Richard Pryke, Tom Sayers, Ian TappSlumdog Millionär

Walt Martin, Alan Robert Murray, John T. Reitz, Gregg RudloffDer fremde Sohn (Changeling)
Lora Hirschberg, Richard King, Ed Novick, Gary Rizzo – The Dark Knight
Jimmy Boyle, Eddy Joseph, Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood Smith, Mark Taylor – Ein Quantum Trost (Quantum of Solace)
Ben Burtt, Tom Myers, Michael Semanick, Matthew Wood – WALL·E – Der Letzte räumt die Erde auf (WALL-E)



Ray Beckett, Paul N. J. Ottosson, Craig StaufferTödliches Kommando – The Hurt Locker (The Hurt Locker)

Christopher Boyes, Gary Summers, Andy Nelson, Tony Johnson, Addison TeagueAvatar – Aufbruch nach Pandora (Avatar)
Brent Burge, Chris Ward, Dave Whitehead, Michael Hedges, Ken Saville – District 9
Tom Myers, Michael Silvers, Michael SemanickOben (Up)
Peter J. Devlin, Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Mark Stoeckinger, Ben Burtt – Star Trek


Richard King, Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, Ed NovickInception

Glenn Freemantle, Ian Tapp, Richard Pryke, Steven C. Laneri, Douglas Cameron – 127 Hours
Ken Ishii, Craig Henighan, Dominick TavellaBlack Swan
John Midgley, Lee Walpole, Paul Hamblin, Martin JensenThe King’s Speech
Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff, Peter F. Kurland, Douglas Axtell – True Grit


Philip Stockton, Eugene Gearty, Tom Fleischman, John MidgleyHugo Cabret (Hugo)

Nadine Muse, Gérard Lamps, Michael Krikorian – The Artist
John Casali, Howard Bargroff, Doug Cooper, Stephen Griffiths, Andy Shelley – Dame, König, As, Spion (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
Stuart Wilson, Gary Rydstrom, Andy Nelson, Tom Johnson, Richard HymnsGefährten (War Horse)
James Mather, Stuart Wilson, Stuart Hilliker, Mike Dowson, Adam Scrivener – Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes: Teil 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)


Simon Hayes, Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson, Jonathan Allen, Lee Walpole, John WarhurstLes Misérables

Mark Ulano, Michael Minkler, Tony Lamberti, Wylie StatemanDjango Unchained
Tony Johnson, Christopher Boyes, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick, Brent Burge, Chris WardDer Hobbit – Eine unerwartete Reise (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)
Drew Kunin, Eugene Gearty, Philip Stockton, Ron Bartlett, Doug HemphillLife of Pi: Schiffbruch mit Tiger (Life of Pi)
Stuart Wilson, Scott Millan, Greg P. Russell, Per Hallberg, Karen Baker LandersJames Bond 007 – Skyfall (Skyfall)


Glenn Freemantle, Skip Lievsay, Christopher Benstead, Niv Adiri, Chris MunroGravity

Richard Hymns, Steve Boeddeker, Brandon Proctor, Micah Bloomberg, Gillian ArthurAll Is Lost
Chris Burdon, Mark Taylor, Mike Prestwood Smith, Chris Munro, Oliver TarneyCaptain Phillips
Danny Hambrook, Martin Steyer, Stefan Korte, Markus Stemler, Frank KruseRush – Alles für den Sieg (Rush)
Peter F. Kurland, Skip Lievsay, Greg OrloffInside Llewyn Davis


Thomas Curley, Craig Mann, Ben WilkinsWhiplash

Bub Asman, Walt Martin, Alan Robert Murray, John T. Reitz, Gregg RudloffAmerican Sniper
Aaron Glascock, Martín Hernández, Frank A. Montaño, Jon Taylor, Thomas VargaBirdman oder (Die unverhoffte Macht der Ahnungslosigkeit) (Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance))
Stuart Hilliker, Martin Jensen, John Midgley, Lee WalpoleThe Imitation Game – Ein streng geheimes Leben (The Imitation Game)
Wayne Lemmer, Christopher Scarabosio, Pawel WdowczakGrand Budapest Hotel (The Grand Budapest Hotel)


Lon Bender, Chris Duesterdiek, Martin Hernandez, Frank A. Montaño, Jon Taylor, Randy ThomThe Revenant – Der Rückkehrer (The Revenant)

David Acord, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio, Stuart Wilson, Matthew WoodStar Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Scott Hecker, Chris Jenkins, Mark A. Mangini, Ben Osmo, Gregg Rudloff, David WhiteMad Max: Fury Road
Richard Hymns, Drew Kunin, Andy Nelson, Gary RydstromBridge of Spies – Der Unterhändler (Bridge of Spies)
Paul Massey, Mac Ruth, Oliver Tarney, Mark TaylorDer Marsianer – Rettet Mark Watney (The Martian)


Sylvain Bellemare, Claude La Haye, Bernard Gariépy StroblArrival

Niv Adiri, Glenn Freemantle, Simon Hayes, Andy Nelson, Ian TappPhantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
Peter Grace, Robert Mackenzie, Kevin O’Connell, Andy WrightHacksaw Ridge – Die Entscheidung (Hacksaw Ridge)
Mildred Iatrou Morgan, Ai-Ling Lee, Steven A. Morrow, Andy NelsonLa La Land
Dror Mohar, Mike Prestwood Smith, Wylie Stateman, Renée Tondelli, David WymanDeepwater Horizon


Alex Gibson, Richard King, Gregg Landaker, Gary A. Rizzo, Mark WeingartenDunkirk

Tim Cavagin, Mary H. Ellis, Dan Morgan, Jeremy Price, Julian SlaterBaby Driver
Ron Bartlett, Theo Green, Doug Hemphill, Mark A. Mangini, Mac RuthBlade Runner 2049
Christian Cooke, Nelson Ferreira, Glen Gauthier, Nathan Robitaille, Brad ZoernShape of Water – Das Flüstern des Wassers (The Shape of Water)
Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick, Stuart Wilson, Matthew WoodStar Wars: Die letzten Jedi (Star Wars: The Last Jedi)


John Casali, Tim Cavagin, Nina Hartstone, Paul Massey und John WarhurstBohemian Rhapsody

Erik Aadahl, Michael Barosky, Brandon Proctor, Ethan Van der RynA Quiet Place
Mary H. Ellis, Mildred Iatrou Morgan, Ai-Ling Lee, Frank A. Montaño und Jon TaylorAufbruch zum Mond (First Man)
Gilbert Lake, James H. Mather, Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood SmithMission: Impossible – Fallout
Steven A. Morrow, Alan Robert Murray, Jason Ruder, Tom Ozanich und Dean A. ZupancicA Star Is Born



Scott Millan, Oliver Tarney, Rachael Tate, Mark Taylor, Stuart Wilson1917

Tod A. Maitland, Alan Robert Murray, Tom Ozanich, Dean A. ZupancicJoker
David Giammarco, Paul Massey, Steven A. Morrow, Donald SylvesterLe Mans 66 – Gegen jede Chance (Ford vs. Ferrari)
Matthew Collinge, John Hayes, Mike Prestwood Smith, Danny SheehanRocketman
David Acord, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio, Stuart Wilson, Matthew WoodStar Wars: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers (Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker)


Jaime Baksht, Nicolas Becker, Phillip Bladh, Carlos Cortés, Michelle CouttolencSound of Metal

Beau Borders, Christian P. Minkler, Michael Minkler, Warren Shaw, David WymanGreyhound – Schlacht im Atlantik (Greyhound)
Sergio Díaz, Zach Seivers, M. Wolf SnyderNomadland
Coya Elliott, Ren Klyce, David ParkerSoul
Michael Fentum, William Miller, Mike Prestwood Smith, John Pritchett, Oliver TarneyNeues aus der Welt (News of the World)


Mac Ruth, Mark Mangini, Doug Hemphill, Theo Green, Ron BartlettDune


Lars Ginzsel, Frank Kruse, Viktor Prášil, Markus StemlerIm Westen nichts neues


Johnnie Burn und Tarn WillersThe Zone of Interest

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