سوریه-لوبنان ساواشی

Syria–Lebanon campaign
شامیل دیر:the Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of the Second World War

Australian troops among the ruins of the old Crusader castle at Sidon, Lebanon, July 1941
تاریخ8 June – 14 July 1941
Syria and Lebanon
نتیجه Allied victory
Syria and Lebanon taken over by Free France

 بیرلشمیش شاهلیق

 آزاد فرانسه > }}

چک ایسلواکی Czechoslovakia

 Vichy France

  • Syria
  • French Lebanon

 نازی آلمان
باشچیلار و لیدرلر

بیرلشمیش شاهلیق Archibald Wavell
بیرلشمیش شاهلیق Henry Maitland Wilson
اوسترالیا John Lavarack
آزاد فرانسه >

}} Paul Legentilhomme
چک ایسلواکی Karel Klapálek
Vichy France Henri Dentz
~34,000 troops
50+ aircraft
1 landing ship
5 cruisers
8 destroyers
45,000 troops
90 tanks
289 aircraft
2 destroyers
3 submarines
تلفاتلار و ایتکیلر
Australian: 1,552
Free French: ت1,300
British and Indian: 1,800, 1,200 POW, 3,150 sick
27 aircraft
6,352 (Vichy figures)
8,912 (British figures)
179 aircraft
1 submarine sunk
5,668 defectors

شابلون:Campaignbox Syria-Lebanon شابلون:Campaignbox Free French

شابلون:Campaignbox Vichy France Military in World War II


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