Vogelherd (arula)

Vogelherd arula, tigisa koe Schwäbische Alb jakama getalte Germana, tir ayaf is abdiizvugalaf debak ke Lekeraporugal.

Tamavafa Gadakiewega

Belca dem tevoya abdiizvugalafa arula ( don Vogelherd arula ) milvemon tigisa getalte Germana va tano katcalapafo izvaxo ke tawava tadler nume bak 2007 wetce arayaf debak ke tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO zo bendeyer.

Rawopaf debak

Koe Lone krant, Vogelherd arula tir tela lotaltefa tigisa. Tir dem baroyo kolanixo gluyakirafo gu lupaxa koe pistxo. Bata betsava varon zo vestayar ise zo kaljoxayar. Taneafa kosmara isu divsidara bak 1930-e sanda gan Gustav Riek is Hermann Mohn zo skuyud. Soe banugale divmimayan baspieks sure gire zo joxayad ise loeke zo drunayad.

Evlara va serixo ke Vogelherd arula va evlaks wali milgaf Lekeraporugal is Gelkeraporugal nekir. Kotak ke koafizayani seri vas jontik sulemaf kudjot ruldar, i vas lo epuyun kum melmakolafa wula. Bat kudjot va yona katca bliyisa bak oprugal volad, i va tulon arulaf krapol is melmakol is govitaf okol is dere nudol.

Ayakoraf kudjot is toloy stogoyeyen val is yona ingasa muka va olkotceem tukotrad. Evlara kan 14-e beba al exoner da belikafa klaa ke bada ke Aurignac sare ke Vogelherd arula tir 35000 ik 41600 AR tanda.

Dum yona dzeta ke Hohle Fels arula, telyona ke Vogelherd arula va yona welmafa tcala ke rupolafa kotcara divnedid, i va tcala tisa pragucayan nekiks ke pist gan pragara ke arulaf rupol.

Sulemafi seri

Sulemafa otulara gan Laura Niven, 2007
Latinavaf yoltKotavaf yoltOta ke pilkomodasa tadlexa (OPT)Vugafa ota ke vadjes sulem (OVS)
Canis lupusYavaf idatcol387
Crocuta spelaeaArulaf digdatol172
Vulpes AlopexBresitol207
Ursus spelaeusArulaf rupol1208
Ursus arctosBeretraf rupol21
Panthera leo spelaeaEuropaf arulaf krapol42
Felis silvestrisKarvukol32
Gulo guloManyevol11
Coelodonta antiquitatisBaynakiraf beicekol12412
Mammuthus primigeniusBaynakiraf melmakol354028
Equus ferusGovitaf okol142327
Cervus elaphusBlakeraf wocol193
Rangifer tarandusBedakol163328
Bos taurus primigenius is Bison bonasusEuropaf gartol isu gartukol616
Sus scrofaWafibol81
Rupicapra rupicapraNevoyol21
-Tadlexa ke gedrafa zverifa apta138

Ayafa muka isu yambaxa

Dere rupec

Wiks kou arula
DebalaNiederstotzingen, Lontal
Maneka 48° 33′ 31″ L-, 10° 11′ 39″ R-
OrdKarst arula
Ayafe sareAcheul Sare, Moustier Sare, Aurignac Sare, Madeleine Sare, Gelkeraporugal
Ontine ke kolanixo480 m-
Grupene abrotce50 m-
Vogelherd arula
Tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO
Vogelherd arula, arayaf debak
Tawavaf segEuropa
GaldolkBaden-Württemberg Galdolk
Maneka 48° 33′ 31″ L-, 10° 11′ 39″ R-
OrdArayaf debak
Debakaf otuk1527
Bendesa ilana2017 ( 41-eaf frugot )
Winugafa pimtara ke UNESCO [1]

Arula is yamba ke oprugalafe sare koe Schwäbische Alb jakama ( Vogelherd arula ). Taneaf witaf ayik ko Europa weti 43000 tanda bak bocaf oprugal artlaniyid. Tano sinafo inkexo tiyir Schwäbische Alb jakama vagee Germana. Tevoya arula joxana mali 1860-e sanda va stabrega guazafa gu 33000 ik 43000 tanda al razdad. Balumayan kudjot va sulem ( don arulaf krapol is melmakol is okol is jaftol ) is stalta is korafa ingaxa tulon zo trasiyid. Aryon kudjot volas va ayasulemaf tisik is kudjama va ayikya zo kosmayad. Bat rawopaf debak va volasa yamba tisa tana losavsafa ke tamava vrutad ise va koafira icde xanta ke ayafa yambafa vonera webed.

(en) Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura. Modern humans first arrived in Europe 43,000 years ago during the last ice age. One of the areas where they took up residence was the Swabian Jura in southern Germany. Excavated from the 1860s, six caves have revealed items dating from 43,000 to 33,000 years ago. Among them are carved figurines of animals (including cave lions, mammoths, horses and bovids), musical instruments and items of personal adornment. Other figurines depict creatures that are half animal, half human and there is one statuette of a woman. These archaeological sites feature some of the oldest figurative art worldwide and help shed light on the origins of human artistic development. ~ UNESCO website, licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



  • (en) Fiona Coward is Robert Hosfield is Matt Pope is Francis Wenban-Smith, The Early Upper Paleolitic and the art of Central Europe, Settlement, Society and Cognition, ed. Human Evolution , Cambridge University Press, 2015, 448 p.
  • (en) Michael Bolus, The Swabian Jura, History of Research and the Aurignacian of the Sites in the Swabian Jura, Nuria Sanz, Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Eurasia, ed. UNESCO, vol. n° 41, 2015, p. 166
  • (en) Timothy Insoll, The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines
  • (en) Andreas Taller is Michael Bolus is Nicholas J. Conard, The Magdalenian of Hohle Fels Cave and the Resettlement of the Swabian Jura after the LGM, Modes de contacts et de déplacements au paléolithique eurasiatique, Actes du Colloque international de l'UISPP, Université de Liège, 28–31/05/2012, coll. « Erault et Archéologiques », 2014, ISBN 978-2-87985-305-5

  • (en) Judy yun Chang, The Swabian Jura : Vogelherd - The lithic technology of the Swabian Aurignacian and its importance for early modern humans, Nuria Sanz, Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Eurasia, vol. 41, UNESCO Publishing, 2015, 166 p.
  • (en) Nicholas J. Conard is Laura B. Niven, The Chronostratigraphy of the Upper Paleolithic Deposits at Vogelherd, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte, vol. 12,‎ 2003
  • (en) Nicholas J. Conard is Pieter M. Grootes is Fred H. Smith, Unexpectedly recent dates for human remains from Vogelherd, Nature, n° 430,‎ 2004
  • (de) Nicholas J. Conard, Alexander Janas et Mohsen Zeidi, Neues aus dem Lonetal : Ergebnisse von Ausgrabungen an der Fetzershaldenhöhle und dem Vogelherd, Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg,‎ 2015
  • (en) Ewa Dutkiewicz, The Vogelherd Cave and the discovery of the earliest art – history, critics and new questions, dans Nuria Sanz, Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Eurasia, vol. 41, UNESCO, 2015, 166 p.
  • (de) Joachim Hahn, Der Vogelherd und seine Einordnung », dans Kraft und Aggression : die Botschaft der Eiszeitkunst im Aurignacien Süddeutschlands ?, Institut für Urgeschichte der Universität Tübingen. Tübingen, Archaeologica Venatoria, 1986, 254 p.
  • (de) Ulrich Lehmann, Vogelherd und Bocksteinschmiede im Lonetal, E&G – Quaternary Science Journal, vol. 4-5, n° 1,‎ 1954
  • (en) Laura Niven, From carcass to cave : Large mammal exploitation during the Aurignacian at Vogelherd, Germany, Journal of Human Evolution, Elsevier, n° 53,‎ 2007
  • (de) Gustav Riek, Paläolitliische Station mit Tierplastiken und menschlichen Skelettresten bei Stetten ob Lontal., Germania, Tübingen, vol. XVI,‎ 1932
  • (en) A. Ronen, The Burins of Vogelherd Aurignacian (Germany) and those of the French Aurignacian : a Comparison, Quärter, Tel-Aviv,‎ 1970
  • (de) Eberhard Wagner, Eine Löwenkopfplastik au Elfenblein von der Vogelherdhöhle, Fundber, vol. 6, n° 23,‎ 1981
  • (de) Jürgen Weiner is Harald Floss, Eine Schwefelkiesknolle aus dem Aurignacien vom Vogelherd, Baden-Württemberg. Zu den Anfängen der Feuererzeugung im europäischen Paläolithikum, Archäologische Informationen, vol. 27, n° 1,‎ 2004 (ISSN 0341-2873, DOI 10.11588/ai.2004.1.12609)
  • (de) Robert Wetzel, Quartärforschung im Lonetal, Quaternary, Tübingen, vol. 106, n° 4-5,‎ 1954
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