Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré

Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré ( francavon Réserves naturelles de l'Aïr et du Ténéré ), tir burkaf debak ke Nigera.

Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré tir tano katcalapafo tuwavaxo ke tawava nume bak 1991 wetce tuwavaf debak ke tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO zo bendeyer.

Bat debak re ( 2018 ) bevular iyelaf.

Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré tir to telo logijafo nendano tuwavaxo ke Afrika, vas 77 000 km². Gabot torigin gu nendano tumtaxo tir tanoya teveaca. Va Aïr tculkaf fluvor ruldar, i va bumaf saxelaf glarn koe Ténéré saxarafo letaxo dem manafa lidawicka isu ruxeem isu fled. Tuwavaxo tid dem burkafa belca dem patectoy is ruxapta is govitol. ~ UNESCO : Tuwavaxo ke A‹r is T‚n‚r‚

(en) This is the largest protected area in Africa, covering some 7.7 million ha, though the area considered a protected sanctuary constitutes only one-sixth of the total area. It includes the volcanic rock mass of the Aïr, a small Sahelian pocket, isolated as regards its climate and flora and fauna, and situated in the Saharan desert of Ténéré. The reserves boast an outstanding variety of landscapes, plant species and wild animals. ~ UNESCO website, licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Ewava va debak


    Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré
    Tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO
    Tuwavaxo ke Aïr is Ténéré, tuwavaf debak
    Tawavaf segAfrika
    GolaArlit Gola
    Maneka 18° L-, 9° R-
    OrdTuwavaf debak
    Ludeem(vii) (ix) (x)
    Debakaf otuk573
    Bendesa ilana1991 ( 15-eaf frugot )
    Welmot77 360 km²
    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.