3C 75

3C 75 هو اصطدام مجري، يقع في كوكبة قيطس.

3C 75

الكوكبة قيطس[1] 
رمز الفهرس NGC 1128 (الفهرس العام الجديد)
KPG 84 (Catalogue of isolated pairs of galaxies in the northern hemisphere)
PGC 11188 (فهرس المجرات الرئيسية)
MCG+01-08-027 (فهرس المجرات الموروفولوجي)
3C 75.0 (Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources)
3C 75 (Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources)
4C 06.15 (Fourth Cambridge Survey)
LEDA 11188 (ليون-ميودون قاعدة بيانات خارج المجرة)
MRC 0255+058 (Molonglo Reference Catalogue of Radio Sources)
[ZBO89] ACO 400-1 (A 20 CM VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. I - Distance class of not greater than 3 clusters)
GRA B0255+05 (Decametric survey of discrete sources in the northern sky. II. Source catalogue in the range of declinations +10 to +20)
3CR 75 (The revised 3C catalogue of radio sources)
ASB 9 (A survey of extended sources of radio emission)
MSH 02+0-10 (Catalogue of radio sources in the Galactic plane)
PKS 0255+058 (The Parkes catalogue of radio sources. Declination zone +20 to +27)
PKS 0255+05 (The Parkes catalogue of radio sources. Declination zone +20 to +27)
PKS J0257+0602 (The Parkes catalogue of radio sources. Declination zone +20 to +27)
Z 415-41 (فهرس المجرات وعناقيد المجرات)
Z 0255.0+0550 (فهرس المجرات وعناقيد المجرات)
[LO95] 0255+058 (A 20 cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. IV. The radio sample and cluster properties)
WB 0255+0550 (A new catalog of 30239 1.4 GHz sources)
[OWH82] 025505.1+055105 (A 1400-MHz Survey of 1478 Abell Clusters of Galaxies)
GB6 B0255+0550 (The GB6 catalog of radio sources) 
الانزياح الأحمر 0.0231 ،  و0.023153 [2] 
شاهد أيضًا: مجرة، قائمة المجرات


  1. VizieR (بالإنجليزية), QID:Q1662358
  2. Gérard de Vaucouleurs (1991), Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, Version 9 (بالإنجليزية), New York City: Springer Science+Business Media, Bibcode:1991rc3..book.....D, QID:Q66617601

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