Ðære Lao cyneƿīsan tæcn
Heafodstol Vientiane
Brego Choummaly Sayasone
Foresittend Thongsing Thammavong
Bradnes 236,800 km²
Feoh Kip
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+07:00, Asia/Vientiane
Þēodlic antefn Pheng Xat Lao
Wægnplatung LAO
Webbnamena tægl .la
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +856

Laoland oðre naman sēo Lao Folcescyneƿīse is a landbegyrded rīce in Asie sūþēastdæle, þæt hæfþ his mearcas mid Burman and Cīnan be ƿestnorþen him, mid Fietname beēasten him, Cambodie besūþen him, and Thailand beƿesten. Siððan 1975 hæfþ þis land geþoled under Marxist Gemōtscipes lēodƿearde. His þēod ƿæs be his getæle 6.8 þūsenda þūsend in 2014.

Ðæs rīces hēafordstōl is Vientiane.

In þæs Frencisce gereorde is þis land and his landfolc "Laos" þærof habbað manig gereord hiera naman þærof and þes nama is in þæm mænigfealdum getele for Lao, sƿylces landmanna nama, þȳ mænþ Laos on Englisce 'Laoƿare'.


Laoƿara stǣr fint man oþ Lan Xang þæt cynerīce, þæt geþēah of þæm 14. gearhunde oþ þæm 18. gearhund þan ƿæs hit in þrim rīcum bedæled. In 1893 ƿeard Laoland Frencisc gerēfland þærin ƿaron his þrēo rīcu geānlǣhted þā ƿæron Luang Phrabang, Vientiane and Champasak.

Laos ƿeard his agan sundorrīce in 1953 and ƿæs cynerīce mid grundgesetnesse cynedōme under Sisavang Vong Cyning. Gemōtscipe folc be naman Pathet Lao fang to rīce in 1975 and þone cynedōm onƿearpen.


    Land on Asie

    Afghanistan  Aserbaigan  Bahrain  Bængladesc  Bhutan  Brunei  Burma  Cambodia  Casahstan  Catar  Cīna  Cirgisstan  Corēa  Cuƿait  Earmenia  Ēasttimor  Fietnam  Filippinīega  Geānedu Arabisc Bregorīcu  Gemen  Georgia  Indea  Indonesia  Irac  Israhēl  Iapan  Iordanrīce  Laoland  Libanus  Malægsia  Maldifīega  Mongolland  Nepal  Oman  Pacistan  Palestīn  Persealand  Russland1  Saudisc Arabea  Singapore  Syria  Tacgicastan  Tāprabane  Thailand  Tyrcland1  Turcmenistan  Usbecastan 

    1 Dæl þisses landes is on Europan. 

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