Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco (Italiaans: [umˈbɛrto ˈeːko]; 5 Januarie 193219 Februarie 2016) was 'n Italiaanse skrywer en filosoof. Hy word veral onthou vir sy roman The Name of the Rose (Il nome della rosa).

Umberto Eco
Umberto Eco in 2005

Gebore (1932-01-05)5 Januarie 1932
Alessandria, Piëmont, Italië
Oorlede 19 Februarie 2016 (op 84)
Milaan, Italië
Vakgebied semiotiek, essayis, filosoof, literêre kritikus, en romanskrywer
Bekend vir Die "oop werk" (opera aperta), die "bedoeling van die leser" ("intentio lectoris"), die "grense" van interpretasie
Beïnvloed deur Charles Sanders Peirce, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Conan Doyle


Eco is gebore in Alessandria in die provinsie Piëmont, Italië. Sy vader, Giulio, was 'n rekenmeester. Die familienaam Eco is glo 'n akroniem vir ex coelis oblatus ( Latyn vir 'n geskenk uit die hemel). Umberto het aan die universiteit van Turyn studeer, waar hy 'n B.A.-graad in middeleeuse filosofie behaal het in 1954.

In 1959 publiseer Umberto sy tweede boek Sviluppo dell’estetica medievale wat hom as 'n wêreldkenner van middeleeuse filosofie en semiotiek gevestig het.


  • Il nome della rosa (1980 – Engelse vertaling: The Name of the Rose, 1983)
  • Il pendolo di Foucault (1988 – Engelse vertaling: Foucault's Pendulum, 1989)
  • L'isola del giorno prima (1994 – Engelse vertaling: The Island of the Day Before, 1995)
  • Baudolino (2000 – Engelse vertaling: 2000)
  • La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (2004 – Engelse vertaling: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, 2005)

Boeke oor filosofie en semiotiek

  • Il problema estetico in San Tommaso (1956 – Engelse vertaling: The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, 1988)
  • "Sviluppo dell'estetica medievale", in Momenti e problemi di storia dell'estetica (1959 - Engelse vertaling:Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages, 1985)
  • Opera aperta (1962, rev. 1976 - Engelse vertaling: The Open Work (1989)
  • Diario Minimo (1963 - Engelse vertaling: Misreadings, 1993)
  • Apocalittici e integrati (1964 - Engelse vertaling: Apocalypse Postponed, 1994)
  • Le poetiche di Joyce (1965 - Engelse vertaling: The Middle Ages of James Joyce, The Aesthetics of Chaosmos, 1989)
  • Il costume di casa (1973 - Engelse vertaling: Travels in Hyperreality, Faith in Fakes, 1986)
  • Trattato di semiotica generale (1975 - Engelse vertaling: A Theory of Semiotics, 1976)
  • Il Superuomo di massa (1976)
  • Dalla periferia dell'impero (1977)
  • A semiotic Landscape. Panorama sémiotique. Proceedings of the Ist Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (1979)
  • Lector in fabula (1979) Engelse vertaling :The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts (1979)
  • Sette anni di desiderio (1983)
  • Postille al nome della rosa (1983 - Engelse vertaling Postscript to The Name of the Rose, 1984)
  • Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio (1984 - Engelse vertaling: Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language, 1984)
  • I limiti dell'interpretazione (1990 - Engelse vertaling :The Limits of Interpretation, 1990)
  • La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea (1993 - Engelse vertaling: The Search for the Perfect Language (The Making of Europe), 1995)
  • Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994)
  • Incontro - Encounter - Rencontre (1996 - in Italiaans, Engels en Frans)
  • In cosa crede chi non crede? (met Carlo Maria Martini), 1996 - Engelse translasie: Belief or Nonbelief?: A Dialogue, 2000)
  • Cinque scritti morali (1997 - Engelse vertaling: Five Moral Pieces, 2001)
  • Kant e l'ornitorinco (1997 - Engelse vertaling: Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition, 1999)
  • Serendipities: Language and Lunacy (1998)
  • How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays (1998 - Dele in Engels vertaal vanuit Il secondo diario minimo, 1994)
  • Experiences in Translation (2000)
  • (Sulla letteratura, 2003) Engelse vertaling: On Literature (2004)
  • Mouse or Rat?:(2003)
  • Storia della bellezza (2004, co-edited with Girolamo de Michele - Engelse vertaling: History of Beauty/On Beauty, 2004
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