Louis-Claude Daquin

Louis-Claude Daquin (of D'Aquino, d'Aquin, d'Acquin; 4 Julie 1694 – 15 Junie 1772) was 'n Franse komponis van Joodse afkoms, wat musiek geskryf het in die Barok- en Galant-style. Hy was 'n virtuoos orrelis en speler van die klavesimbel.[1][2][3]

Louis-Claude Daquin


  1. Sadie, Stanley, red. (1980). "Louis-Claude Daquin". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan. ISBN 1561591742.
  2. Burrows, John, red. (2005). "Louis-Claude Daquin". Classical Music. New York: DK Publishing. ISBN 0756609585.
  3. Sendrey, Alfred (1970). The Music of the Jews in the Diaspora. New York: Thomas Yoseloff. ISBN 0498066479.


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