Isotope van oganesson
Die chemiese element oganesson (Og), met ’n atoommassa van ongeveer 289 u, het geen stabiele isotope nie en word dus as ’n radioaktiewe element beskou. Daar is nog net een isotoop bekend: 294Og, wat in 2006 die eerste keer gevorm het. Die isotoop het ’n halfleeftyd van 890 mikrosekondes.
Radionuklied | Z (p) | N (n) | Isotopiese massa (u) | Halfleeftyd | Radioaktiewe verval | VP | Kernspin |
294Og | 118 | 176 | 890 µs | α | 290Lv |
Isotope per element
1H | 2He | 3Li | 4Be | 5B | 6C | 7N | 8O | 9F | 10Ne | 11Na | 12Mg | 13Al | 14Si | 15P | 16S | 17Cl | 18Ar | 19K | |
20Ca | 21Sc | 22Ti | 23V | 24Cr | 25Mn | 26Fe | 27Co | 28Ni | 29Cu | 30Zn | 31Ga | 32Ge | 33As | 34Se | 35Br | 36Kr | 37Rb | 38Sr | 39Y |
40Zr | 41Nb | 42Mo | 43Tc | 44Ru | 45Rh | 46Pd | 47Ag | 48Cd | 49In | 50Sn | 51Sb | 52Te | 53I | 54Xe | 55Cs | 56Ba | 57La | 58Ce | 59Pr |
60Nd | 61Pm | 62Sm | 63Eu | 64Gd | 65Tb | 66Dy | 67Ho | 68Er | 69Tm | 70Yb | 71Lu | 72Hf | 73Ta | 74W | 75Re | 76Os | 77Ir | 78Pt | 79Au |
80Hg | 81Tl | 82Pb | 83Bi | 84Po | 85At | 86Rn | 87Fr | 88Ra | 89Ac | 90Th | 91Pa | 92U | 93Np | 94Pu | 95Am | 96Cm | 97Bk | 98Cf | 99Es |
100Fm | 101Md | 102No | 103Lr | 104Rf | 105Db | 106Sg | 107Bh | 108Hs | 109Mt | 110Ds | 111Rg | 112Cn | 113Nh | 114Fl | 115Mc | 116Lv | 117Ts | 118Og |
- R.B. Firestone, S.Y. Frank Chu & C.M. Baglin (1999) - Table of Isotopes (aanlyn weergawe van die CD-ROM)
- G. Audi, A.H. Wapstra, C. Thibault, J. Blachot & O. Bersillon (2003) - The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties, Nuclear Physics A, 729, pp. 3-128
- J.R. de Laeter, J.K. Böhlke, P. De Bièvre, H. Hidaka, H.S. Peiser, K.J.R. Rosman & P.D.P. Taylor (2003) - Atomic weights of the elements. Review 2000 (IUPAC Technical Report), Pure and Applied Chemistry, 75 (6), pp. 683–800
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- David R. Lide (2004) - CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (85ste uitg.), hoofstuk 11, CRC Press - ISBN 978-0849304859
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