273 v.C.

273 v.C.
| 4de eeu v.C. | 3de eeu v.C. | 2de eeu v.C. |

| 278 v.C. | 277 v.C. | 276 v.C. | 275 v.C. | 274 v.C. | ◄ 273 v.C. ► | 272 v.C. | 271 v.C. | 270 v.C. | 269 v.C. | 268 v.C. |
Dae | Eeue | Geskiedenis | Geskiedenisportaal

Ab urbe condita 481
Chinese kalender 2424 2425

甲亥 – 乙子

Hebreeuse kalender 3488 – 3489


  • Die Romeine stig op die kus 140 km noordelik van Rome 'n nuwe kolonie: Cosa, vandag Ansedonia.[1]
  • Die Romeine verower die Etruskiese stad Caere.[2]




      1. Dyson, Stephen L. (1978). ""Settlement Patterns in the Ager Cosanus: The Wesleyan University Survey, 1974-1976."". Journal of Field Archaeology. 5 (3): 251–68. doi:10.2307/529732.{{cite journal}}: AS1-onderhoud: gebruik authors-parameter (link)
      2. De Giorgi, Andrea U. (2024). =“Cosa, Orbetello, and the Genesis of a Colony.”; in: Roman Urbanism in Italy: Recent Discoveries and New Directions. Vol. 5. Oxbow Books. pp. 63–80. doi:10.2307/jj.9941113.8.
      This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.